twenty three - taylor

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tw: vomit

Aside from a few meltdowns as Izzy adjusted to not having Travis around, the next little while went okay. Sure it was a little rocky, but I guess it didn't go that bad at all.

The media had a field day, insisting that Izzy was Joe's baby and we'd hidden her this whole time, even though the timeline never would have worked since I'd been seen out in public with a flat stomach during the time they claimed I'd been nine months pregnant. Everyone was speculating about me and Travis, who Izzy's parents were, why I had her and was suddenly without my boyfriend.

Izzy and I had a lot of fun. We went out all the time so that I could keep her entertained, and we saw a lot of my friends. Izzy met Jack and Aaron during a few studio sessions, Sabrina and Barry when they came into town, Blake and Ryan with their girls, Selena and Gracie, and a few others. We went to parks, markets, little shows and events, lots of things.

I missed Travis like crazy, and sometimes once Izzy had gone to bed I allowed myself to cry, holding onto he locket he'd given me so hard it left imprints in my palms. I was so worried about him, so scared he wouldn't come back for Izzy and me. He never called, never reached out, and I didn't hear a single things. I tried to stay positive for Izzy since she'd really warmed up to me and was doing really well, but it was hard.

"And so they lived happily ever after." I finished the book I was reading, closing it and looking down. Izzy giggled and smacked the book with her hand, so I smiled and turned back to the start. "Oh okay." I kissed her hair. "But only one more time okay?" Wincing at an ache in my breasts, I adjusted Izzy slightly so she wasn't lying on them, resting her head in the middle of my chest instead. 

Knowing I'd re-read the book a million times if she wanted me to, I started again from the beginning. A page in, my phone started to ring on the coffee table and I paused, glancing over. I couldn't see the screen so rested my hand on Izzy's back and reached over to grab it. Unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered tentatively, setting the book down. 

"Baby girl." 

"Travis?" I gasped, sitting up a little straighter. "Please tell me that's you."

"God I'm so sorry it took me so long to call, but..."

"It's okay." I breathed, cutting him off. "Travis I'm just so glad to hear your voice. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Travis sighed, sounding like he was exhausted. "This place is so sketchy Tay. They've got me running fucking drug deals since I'm expendable and they don't care if I get caught. I've only just gotten away from the cops."

"Oh no, Travis." Tears welled up in my eyes. 

"It's okay, I don't think I've got much longer before I've paid off the debt. I just haven't had a safe time to call you from somewhere they couldn't trace it, and I didn't want to put you in danger. But how are you Tay, how's Izzy?"

"We're good, she's good." I nodded. "It was a little bumpy at the start but I think she's really taken to me and we've been doing really well." Blinking away tears, I looked down at the baby lying on my chest. "I really love looking after her Travis, even though I wish you were here." I admitted. "She's so incredible Travis, you're such a good dad."

"God I miss you both so much." Travis sniffed. "Can I talk to her?"

"Yeah, yeah I'll put it on speaker." I took the phone away from my ear, putting it on speaker and holding it up. "Hey sweetpea, say hi to Daddy." I murmured to Izzy.

"Hi my beautiful princess." Travis said softly. "Hi. Oh I miss you so much my princess, I love you so much."

"Da!" Izzy exclaimed, recognizing his voice.

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