Snap you in half

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"Can you please tell school I am absent for a doctor's appointment or a dental appointment?" Rosie begs her mom.
"No babes, you have to go into school. Your dad should be here soon to take you. I've got to be at work earlier as a famous criminal is coming to get medical treatment" Lucy says packing her daughter's lunch and placing it inside Rosie's bag.

"But mommmm" Rosie begs putting her glasses on and Lucy sighs and cocks her head at her daughter.
"Has this got anything to do with Sadie returning to school?" Lucy questions and Rosie freezes and shakes her head and lies.
"Nope, it's not." Rosie shakes her head.
"Uh huh..well if anything happens babe just either give her a big punch. Or tell someone." Lucy responds.

"I thought you don't tolerate violence?" Rosie asks and Lucy shrugs
"I don't, but that bitch needs to be taught. Her dad as well, he's just as bad. I don't care if their mom and wife died, it doesn't give that Sadie a reason to bully you." Lucy snaps angrily, she hates the fact her daughter is scared to go into school when she should feel safe at school.

Rosie didn't reply she just grabbed her jacket and shoes and slid them on, then the door bell rings.
"I'll get it." Rosie tells her mom and opens the door to see it was her dad.
"Hey pumpkin"Chris says gathering Rosie in his arms and pulling away to step in.

"Hey dad" Rosie says.
"Hey Chris, thanks for taking her, I would have-" Lucy starts and Chris cuts her off.
"Hey no, Lucy it's fine. She's my daughter too. Are you ready Rosie?" Chris asks and Rosie nods and goes over to give her mom a hug bye and she heads straight out to Chris's car.

"Bye Lucy" Chris says leaving, following his daughter on toe.

They arrive at the school drop off and Rosie tenses when she sees Tim pull up in his truck and she watches Sadie jump out, Chris realises.
"Is that the little bitch and her dad?" Chris asks and Rosie doesn't answer she just grabs her colourful backpack and pushes her glasses up on her face as they were about to fall.

"I take that as a yes" Chris sighs and Rosie didn't reply again, she changed the subject.
"Bye dad, love you" she says and gets out and immediately puts her head down.
Chris's anger built up as he watches Tim in his truck admire Sadie.

He gets out his car and slams the door and stalks over to Tim's window and knocks hard. The window opens and a blonde, tanned muscly man peaks his head out.
"Can I help you?" Tim asks and Chris nods.

"I'm Chris Stanford. Rosie's dad. If your silly brat of a daughter does anything to her, I swear it won't just be her getting shit it will be you too. I would watch your back if I were you." Chris threatens and Tim just bursts into laughter. Chris frowns at Tim's laughter outburst.

"Okay, are you seriously threatening to hurt a police officer and his teenage daughter" he asks amused and drives off, Chris sighs and gets back into his car and drives to work completely regretting that interaction.


Sadie and her friends watch the interaction between Chris and her dad.
"Isn't that pumpkins dad threatening your dad?" Ava points out and Sadie laughs.
"My dad could literally snap him in half in a second." She chuckles.
"Literally." Ava says back.

"Ohhh look it's our little friend" Anna points out, Rosie was minding her own business walking up the stairs to go into school.
Sadie smiles and nods "it is but I need to wait until my dad drives off" she replies.

"how was your suspension anyway?" Rylie asks and Sadie shrugs.
"Boring! My dad took my phone! And I wasn't allowed to leave unless it was to go to work with him and I was babysat by all his officer friends" Sadie groans.

The girls chuckle "atleast you're back now, we've all missed you" Anna comments and Sadie smiles.
"Yeah, I've missed you guys too" Sadie reply's hugging them again.

"Oooh your dad has drove off and so has Rosie's dad." Rylie smiles and Sadie smiles too.
Sadie immediately skips over to Rosie but makes sure to look around for any teachers, she knows they are probably keeping an extra eye on them.

She stands infront of Rosie and crosses her arms, Rosie stops and takes a deep breath before looking up to make eye contact with Sadie.
"hey pumpkin" Sadie smirks.
"hey was your..suspension?" Rosie stutters anxiously gripping onto her bag handle, her heart was pounding she wanted the floor to swallow her up whole.

"Seriously?" Sadie scoffs. Rosie loooks back down at the floor
"If you had to know it made my life a living hell, and it's your fault I was in that position. Oh by the way, tell your ugly rat of a dad to keep away from mine. I heard your dad threaten mine this morning and honestly it amused me because overall do you really think your dad has a chance against mine? No. My dad could snap yours in half like I will snap you in half next time you do something to me." Sadie threatens quietly and Rosie's eyes watered and she stared to shake.

"Awe is little baby Rosie going to cry" rylie scoffs and the rest of the girls laugh.
"we better go before your mom comes and stomps on my head. Have a great day Rosie posie." Sadie says happily skipping past her and bumping into her shoulder which makes Rosie fall to the floor.

A teacher noticed Rosie fall to the floor and walks over.
"What are you like, careful there. You must be really clumsy" she laughs softly and helps Rosie up. Rosie wanted to tell her what happened..but she didn't want any her lips were tied.
"Yeah. I better get going. Thanks for the hand" Rosie says quietly holding in her tears and sprinting to first period.


Tim went to roll call and found out the jobs for the day, he was put with Angela at the hospital. Angela offered to join patrol for the day as she had no cases to solve.

Him and Angela were driving in the shop on the way to the hospital.
"So Sadie's first day back at school since the suspension how you feeling?" Angela asks and Tim shrugs.
"I hope she just behaves." Tim sighs.

"What's with your grumpy mood?" Angela asks picking up on Tim's behaviour.
"We have been assigned to the part of the hospital where doctor Chen works." He grumbles.
"Who?" Angela frowns.
"Rosie's mom." He responds dryly and Angela sighs.

"It'll be fine." She says and Tim shrugs.
"If she gives me any shit I am going to ask for a new patrol unit to take over." Tim says and Angela nods.
"fair enough. Do you think Sadie actually did anything to Rosie?" She asks and Tim shrugs once again.

"I don't think so..she's admitted beating her but she lashed out. It could have been anyone. It's just the fact I have to work with the mom of the kid my kid beat up for a full 8 hours then, possibly tomorrow too" Tim grumbles.
"Like I say it'll be fine" Angela replies positively.

They arrive at the hospital and Tim and Angela stand in-front of the criminals hospital room and Lucy walks over to them to introduce her self only to realise it was Tim.

"Sargent Bradford." Lucy nods and Tim stiffens
"Doctor Chen." He replies.
" I am detective Lopez. Nice to meet you doctor Chen" Angela says happily and Lucy smiles at Angela then glares at Tim.
"It would have been nice if your idiot of a husband didn't threaten me and my daughter this morning." Tim snaps and Lucy raises an eyebrow.

"Husband? Do you mean ex husband. Rosie's dad?" Lucy scoffs and Tim shrugs
"Whatever. But if he dares touch my daughter.." Tim starts and Angela elbows him knowing officers can't make any kind of threats.
"Uh huh, well nothing would have happened if your bully of a daughter leaves my daughter alone." Lucy sighs and Tim shakes his head and was about to react but Angela standing on his foot made him ground himself and realise it's not the right time or place to.

"Nice seeing you doctor Chen." Tim says.
"You too. Let's hope next time we see eachother isn't in a principals office yeah?" She asks and scoffs before walking away, at that moment she wanted nothing but to punch him.

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