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Tim's blood boiled, and Angela must of sensed it because she grabbed Tim's arm.
"You-you what!?" Tim shouts, he was overwhelmed..he was scared..he doesn't know what's going on. He's not in control of this situation and it makes his feel useless.

Lucy stood there shocked..shocked that her daughter sent someone else's to hospital..
Ava sighs.."Sadie went to go and apologise for hitting her..and explain it could have been anyone..and that it wasn't just targeted at her..then..Rosie reached over the table and grabbed Sadie's hair and started smashing her head off the table and started to punch her all over her head. During this Sadie threw her bottle of water off Rosie but nothing stopped Rosie..she was out of control." Ava lies and Tim believes her, Tim turns to Lucy but Angela holds him tighter.

"Your fucking brat of a daughter better get her act together. I swear to fucking god!!! " Tim snaps trying to get into Lucy's face but now miss Carr and Angela were holding each of his arms, Lucy was sat there in shock.
"My daughter wouldn't do anything with out being tormented" Lucy says sternly and ava, Angela and Tim shook their hairs.

"Maybe give that idiotic head a wobble and open your eyes!! Your daughter isn't always the victim! My daughter is in a hospital bed unconscious because of your brat. Wait until I get my hands.." Tim roars visiously before Angela stopped him
"Tim! You can't make threats while being an officer" she reminds him and Tim shakes his head.

"I don't care Lopez! Now get off me I need to see Sadie" Tim snaps pulling him self out of both of their grips and stalking over to the hospital room.
"How is my baby" Tim panics pushing past the doctors to see his daughter.

"We don't know, we are getting head scans now and tests. Sir we will do everything we can" a doctor says and Tim nods and covers his mouth when he glances back at his daughter..her face was covered in blood..and bruises. It makes him sick seeing his everything look like that..another but stronger wave of nausea hit him and he ran to a bin outside the hospital room and puked up everything he ate that day.

Angela ran over and rubbed his back "she's going to be okay Tim. I promise you" she whispers while soothing his back.
"I can't loose her..I can't loose her Angela- Isabelle died now, now Sadie" Tim panics and Angela shook her head.
"Sadie isn't going to die Tim I promise" Angela says and Lucy comes over feeling abit guilty
"I won't let her die Sargent Bradford" Lucy promises and Tim shakes his head.

"I don't want you anywhere near her!! Why don't you do me a favour and put your bully of a child back in line before I do! And fucking get your ex husband to the hospital and I will fucking snap him in half!" Tim roars and Lucy nods.
"I'm sorry-" she says and Tim shakes his head.
"I'm not listening." He says back and Lucy nods.

Miss Carr and Ava approaches them "miss Chen can you go back to the school with us, we need to talk. Mr Bradford keep in contact yeah?" Miss Carr says and Tim nods.

Lucy, miss carr and Ava head back to the school and it was just Tim and Angela.
"hey we need to call a new unit" Angela says and Tim didn't hear her because he was too focused on his daughter who was getting wheeled to get a head scan.

"Tim" Angela shook him and Tim glanced at her and nodded to show he's now listening.
"I'm going to call grey to send another unit over..and I'm going to call him to bring our go bags from our cars in the parking garage and take away your duty belt before you shoot anyone" Angela suggests and Tim just nods and walks over to a seat and collapses into it..

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