cant take words back.

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Tim reluctantly gets out his truck after pulling up at work, he grabs his bag and hangs it on one shoulder before heading in. His mind was consumed with thoughts of the argument from this morning.
'I wish mom was still alive and you were the one that died'

He takes a shuddering breath and heads straight o the locker room, he knows Lucy is right. Sadie is just a hormonal teenage girl who is being punished, she didn't mean it. But it doesn't stop it from hurting him any less.

He changed and heads straight to greys office.
"Welcome back officer Bradford. How was your two weeks of PTO with the devil" Sargent grey jokes and Tim sighs and takes a seat dramatically infront of greys desk.
"That bad huh?" Grey frowns and Tim just shrugs.

"We keep arguing about everything. I'm trying Wade, I've been more than reasonable with her punishments..I just don't know what to do anymore..she's wished I was the one who was dead this morning.. not Isabelle." Tim sighs rubbing his face with his hands stressfully.

"she wouldn't have meant it." Grey immediately says, he's knew Sadie from the day she was born, the day Isabelle announced she was pregnant..and he knows that she would never in a million years mean it.
"I know." Tim says slightly unconvinced.

"Tim Bradford. You have been the one who was there since the day she was born, you were picking up the peices every time Isabelle broke her after she had let her down again and again. You do everything for her, you give her everything. There is absolutely no way she would have meant it. She's just a hormonal angry teenage girl, she is being punished and clearly isn't taking it very well. I've been wished dead, gone, and everything under the sun by Dominique and you have seen how close we are now. Tim I assure you that she didn't mean it." Grey says moving from his chair to the chair next to Tim, Tim sighs and looks at him and shrugs.

"Doesn't make it hurt any less." He responds.
"Course it doesn't, it wouldn't at all. But Tim you have to also consider she's still struggling from loosing Isabelle. She hasn't even had time to process it, even though Isabelle only turned up when she pleased, she's still her mom. And maybe if you think about it, she may be bullying people at school because they have something she doesn't.." grey says hoping it connects in Tim's head.

"A mom.." he mumbles looking at grey with a raised brow.
"Exactly. I know a few grieving counsellors for teenagers if you want me to send them across to you..and maybe some kind of therapy for your self?" Grey suggests reluctantly.
Tim stiffens "send across some for Sadie.
I don't need therapy." He snaps.

"Tim come on, you've been through so much." Grey sighs.
"What you trying to say? That I can't function or deal with my problems?? Because I fucking can!" Tim snaps angrily standing up.

"Maybe just consider it.." grey suggests and Tim shakes his head.
"I don't need help." He replies viciously before storming out of the office door and slamming it.
Grey sighs and rubs his bald shiny head stressfully.


Tim and Grey do roll call and Tim had to do solo patrol as his aide was calling personal.
"Bradford is your head in the game?" Grey asks walking up to Tim with his arms crossed.
"Course." Tim answers quickly.
"The argument you had with Sadie is distracting you." Grey states.

"No it's not. She didn't mean it. I'm fine she's fine, I'm going on patrol. See you later." Tim says walking past Grey with war bags. Grey sighs and watches him walk off.

Tim jumps into the shop and goes on patrol, it was a quiet morning which he was glad about until just before lunch he got a call to a suspicious noise complaint.

He pulls up to the address and pulls his radio "7-Adam-100 code six on scene." He says into the radio and draws out his gun and walks into the house.

He clears some of the house thinking he cleared it all, he wasn't really using his cop eyes..grey was right and he didn't want to admit it. Sadie is distracting him.
'I wish mom was still alive and you were the one that died'

Tim takes a shuddering breath and pulls out his radio to radio in a code four before he felt a sharp agonising pain in his back and warm liquid drenching his shirt.

He groans and falls realising he has been stabbed..he didn't clear the full house..he should have..he was distracted..only if he listened to Sargent grey.
"Whoops sorry there Sargent Bradford" The suspect chuckled reading Tim's badge.
Tim's vision went blurry, he slowly tried to grab his gun but the suspect grabbed it and ...


And everything went black..the last thing he thought was Sadie.

It was lunch and Ava and Rosie were sat on a table eating their lunches waiting for their other friends to come.
"Sooo Rosie let's hang out after school" Ava suggests with a smile.
"that isn't a great idea..I don't really go out" Rosie stutters
"Oh come on. you can hang out at my house, my mom would love you! She's been waiting for me to ditch Sadie's friend group for a long while." Ava smiles.

Rosie sighs but smiles.
" sure it will be fun I suppose" Rosie shrugs a smile climbing up on her face.
Suddenly Sadie, rylee and Anna sits in their table.
"Hey pumpkin." Sadie smiles at Rosie.

"Sadie do you know when to stop" Ava snaps.
"oooohhh I'm sorry but weren't you in our group like a few weeks ago. So don't act all miss innocent when you're not." Sadie scoffs picking up a piece of fruit and eating it.

"Yeah fair enough I had my own bad actions towards Rosie and others but I've apologised. I've realised how awful and horrible I was and how bitchy you are." Ava snaps and Anna and rylee wince
"What did you just call me." Sadie scoffs.
"Sadie maybe calm abit.." rylee says panicky looking around not wanting her friend to get into anymore trouble.

"I need to teach this fake ass bitch a lesson." Sadie responds.
"So what? Huh? Sadie what are you going to do hit me? Come on." Ava snaps standing up and holding her hands up, Rosie's phone starts ringing.

Rosie glances at her phone..It was her mom, she frowns her mom never calls during school.
She answers as the chaos is going on, rosie  sees Sadie stand up and get in Ava's face but doesn't do anything.

"Hey mom" she stutters nervously in the phone watching Ava and Sadie argue.
"Sweetie can you see Sadie?" Lucy asks her daughter.
"Yeah she's infront of everything okay?" Rosie asks panicky.

"I want you to stay with Sadie, police officers are coming to your school.. Her dad has just been rushed into the ER with a stab wound and a gun doesn't look good." Lucy says panicky, as much as Sadie has been a total bitch to Rosie she wants Sadie to have some kind of support she would also feel comfortable with her daughter near her... as well as this she also wants Sadie and Rosie to make up and be friends.

"Oh my gosh..yeah yeah totally." Rosie says shocked covering her mouth and hanging up.

"Uhh..guys stop!" Rosie shouting getting up
"No! Rosie I've had enough of this bitch. It's unfair how she's treat everyone." Ava snaps.

"Sadie you need to come with me. Police officers are grabbing us both my mom's just called." Rosie tells Sadie packing up, Sadie freezes and looks at Rosie.
"What's going on? I ain't going anywhere with you." Sadie scoffs.

"Your dad has been injured..not looking mom wants me with you, so come on" Rosie says softly..she never wanted to be the one to tell her..and she never expected to be nice to Sadie but it is how it is.

The colour drains from Sadie's face "I-i wished him dead this morning.." she stutters looking at Rosie with a sad and guilty expression..

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