I would need to ask tim

401 16 6

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After Rosie's outburst Lucy figured to just leave her to cool down for a while. The door opens, Lucy turns to see it's Chris rushing in.

"Hey, where is she?" He asks going up to Lucy, Lucy sighs and points towards her room, Chris was about to walk over but Lucy grabs his arm.
"Leave her for a while, she's had an outburst she needs to cool." Lucy sighs dragging him to the kitchen. He sits on a stool against the kitchen breakfast bar as watches Lucy as she pulls out two sodas and gives him one. He quietly thanks her and sighs, she takes a seat next to Chris.

"What do we do." Lucy asks again knowing she's already asked it on the phone to him.
"Honestly. I don't know. Have you still not heard anything yet?" Chris asks and Lucy shakes her head and plays with her moon ring nervously.
"okay. Maybe I could call Wesley to find out? He's married to Tim's best friend" Chris suggests and Lucy shakes her head.

"I'm just going to go to work tomorrow and find out. I know I'm not meant to but I need to know the extent and what's going on from now Chris. I can't have my 14 year old daughter in juvenile detention..or have anything that will be permanently on her record. I need to try and soften the blow and make them not take further action. I need Sargent Bradford to find out exactly who his daughter is" Lucy explains looking at her ex husband.

Chris sighs "go into work tomorrow. I'll call off sick to take care of our girl. You buy them flowers and stuff to soften the blow, she doesn't deserve them I know. Don't worry Lucy, we will make sure everyone knows who that bitch really is."

Lucy nods. "She's had an anger outburst, she shouted I quote ' I'm a monster, an ugly ugly monster! I should be arrested. Sadie's right. I'm pathetic' I hate she feels like this..I wish- I just wish I could take all her pain away." Lucy sighs fidgeting with her hands.

"Get her out here, we need to comfort our girl. I don't care that she's sent Sadie to hospital. I care about my daughter's wellbeing, she was sticking up for her self. Let's get her out here" Chris says standing up, Lucy nods and follows him.

Rosie remains sitting against the door, tears flowing from her eyes. She nips her arms in frustration, picks at them, pulls at the skin until they are all red and full of bleeding cuts and scratches.

She sighs and puts her legs to her chest and puts her head down, why is her life just so awful?
She has never done anything to hurt a soul and she's getting shit from everyone? She doesn't deserve a life like this.

She remains in the same position for a while, until a knock was on the door.
"Rosie baby" she hears her mom say quietly.
Rosie sniffles and wipes her eyes and nose "what" she says.
"Come out sweetie" she hears her dad interfere.

Rosie was going to say no, and give them attitude..but that isn't her. She isn't a bitch, she's a well mannered young woman so she sighs and wipes her eyes again and opens the door slowly and steps out and gives a sad smile.

"Come here" Chris jumps in and gives his daughter a big hug knowing he hasn't seen her in a few days. Rosie wraps her arms around her dad tightly and bursts into a sob, she wants everything to be alright. Lucy then joins the hug and kisses her daughter's head. "Everything will be okay sweetie, you have done nothing wrong.
We are going to sort it okay?" She whispers softly. Rosie nods and pulls away.

"Let's watch a movie, order in and forget about the world just for one night huh?" Chris suggests.
Rosie smiles softy and nods "are you staying?" She asks shyly to her dad.

"It's up to your mom" Chris says looking back at his ex wife and back at his daughter, Lucy nods softly knowing it's what Rosie needs.
Rosie smiles thankfully and they all head over to the sofa and they all relax and watch a movie trying to forget about the events from earlier.


The next day Chris stayed with Rosie, Lucy decided to go to work to mostly check on Sadie and Tim..she does know she can't but it's to soften everything for her daughter.

Lucy stops at the gift shop on the way, she purchases a get well soon card, a teddy bear and a box of chocolates. She signs the card from Rosie and goes to work.

She arrives at the hospital and slowly walks to the floor where Sadie was being hospitalised, she was walking down a corridor until Tim's best friend shouted from behind.
"You shouldn't be here. Don't you dare think taking an extra step forward."


Sadie was fast to sleep after Angela and Tim walked into the room after the sickness incident.
"You should go. You have Jack and Wesley at home" Tim sighs seeing the time.
"I don't mind keeping you company Tim." Angela says softly and Tim shakes his head.
"Go please. I don't want you missing time with your family because you sat with me" he says softy.
"Only if you're sure tim" she smiles softly picking up her phone and jacket and leaning down to give Tim a hug.

Tim hugs her back, and sighs "course I'm fine. I always have been haven't I?" He replies and Angela rolls her eyes.
"Don't have to lie to me Timothy" she punches him.
"I'll speak to you soon. Thanks Angela, I really appreciate you being here with me..more than you know" he says and Angela smiles.
"You would do the same for me. I'll be back in the morning first thing. Call me if you need anything." She says, kissing Sadie on the head and giving Tim one last smile before leaving the room and heading home.

Tim watches her leave and looks back at his daughter. His eyes tear up and he props his elbows on his knees and his head down and bursts into a sob. Everything is too much for him, it's always one thing after another. He stays like that for a good hour before lightly dozing off.


The next morning Angela arrives with breakfast, she walks down the corridor until she sees someone she recognises to be Rosie's mother.
"You shouldn't be here. Don't you dare think taking an extra step forward." She shouts angrily.

Lucy freezes and turns around to face Angela.
"Please-" Lucy pleads and Angela takes a few steps forward so she's a few centimetres away from her face.
"No. Your brat of a daughter hurt and sent my niece and goddaughter to hospital. You should not be here. You're lucky I have self control or otherwise you will be taking your last breaths" Angela threatens dangerously low.

Lucy was scared..she knew Angela meant what she said.
"I- I just want to check on her..give her a present and just say I'm awfully sorry for my daughter's action" Lucy stuttered knowing she was lying..she wasn't sorry about what her daughter did.

"I can give her them. And tell her you said that." Angela snaps and Lucy sighs.
"Please Angela. Just once, I will never show my face again" Lucy pleads and Angela rolls her eyes.

"I would need to ask Tim." She says sternly walking down the corridor gesturing Lucy to follow.

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