Oh great mr bradford you're here

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The principal watches Sadie walk out the office, she always knew that Sadie was a troubled kid..she's sad to see that Sadie had gone this far.

She picks up the phone and decides to contact Rosie's mom first, she dials her number and presses the phone against her ear.

"this is dr Lucy Chen?" Lucy answers
"hey this is miss Carr, the principal from mid wilshire high school" the principal says through the phone.
Lucy takes a deep breath "is every thing okay?" She asks nervously.

"I don't really want to speak about the incident over the phone, but I will like you to come in if that's okay?" The principal says and Lucy sighs.
"sure. Is Rosie okay? Is she in trouble?" Lucy asks
"No, she's not. There has been an incident with another pupil however. And we are making a meeting with that other pupils parent too..just come down to the school and I will explain more" the principal says and Lucy agrees and hangs up.

She tells the head dr that she had to clock off and she heads straight to her car still in her scrubs and drives straight to the school.

She walks into the reception of the school and immediately gets guided to the principals office, she sees Rosie all banged up
"Oh baby come here" Lucy says hugging Rosie
"Are you okay? What's happened?" Lucy panics and before Rosie could answer the principal calls Lucy into the office.

"I'll be one second baby" Lucy says and follows the principal into the office, she noticed Sadie on the way in.

Lucy sits down.
"What's going on?!" Lucy snaps and the principal sighs.
"Rosie has been getting bullied by a pupil in school" the principal answers bluntly looking at the parent before her.
"it's that bitch out there isn't it" Lucy snaps standing up.
"Miss Chen, do not insult other pupils in my school. I understand you are angry." The principal says.

"yeah. So is her parent coming in?" Lucy asks and the principal nods.
"I only told you to come in here to tell you what happened, please step outside and wait for mr Bradford to come." The principal says and Lucy nods.

Lucy walks outside and glares at Sadie on her way out and sits next to Rosie.


After the principal called Lucy, she dials Tim's number.

Tim was sat at a desk with Angela, he was handing his case over to her as they found an unknown body on patrol.
He was explaining what happened and was showing her photos until his phone started calling.

He pulled his phone out and saw the schools phone id
"I knew I would be getting a call off them today" he snapped showing Angela the id and answering the call.

"Sargent Bradford" he greeted.
"hey this is miss Carr, the principal from mid wilshire high school, I am calling you about a incident that Sadie's involved in." She explains and Tim sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"What has she done now?" He snaps, Angela looking at him curiously.
"we would rather have a word in person..please just come to the school" the principal says and Tim agrees.
"On my way." He sighs and hangs up.

"What's up?" Angela asks concerned.
"Sadie has apparently been involved in an incident and they won't tell me what. I knew i was going to get some kind of call about her behaviour" Tim explains annoyed getting up and putting his stuff away.

"why you say that?" Angela asks getting up aswell.
"we got into an argument about her mom this morning, she stormed out the house. She wasn't in a good state of mind..so I sort of felt like she was going to flip out and clearly she did" Tim says as he walks towards the parking garage and Angela walking with him.

"go make sure your girls okay Tim. Go find out what happened, don't worry I'll cover you and tell grey and explain" Angela says softly now walking away. Tim thanks her and storms to his truck.


He pulls up infront of the school and gets guided towards the principals office, he was in his uniform still.

"Sadie" he says to his daughter who was sat on the floor, she looks up and puts her head back down, she didn't say anything to him or move.
Tim was about to sit next to her until Lucy approached him..

"Oh you must be Sadie's dad huh?" Lucy snaps crossing her arms, Tim raises his eyes brows and looks at Lucy..as he thinks about it he's seen her around st Stephen's a few times.

"What's your problem dr Chen?" Tim snaps back stepping closer to her, making eye contact with her.
"Your brat of a daughter has been bullying and torturing my daughter" Lucy snaps getting lost in Tim's bright blue eyes.

Tim couldn't say anything, he was lost in Lucy's brown hazel eyes..they were staring at each other until the principal cleared her throat and Tim and Lucy snapped back into reality. Tim glared at Lucy for calling his daughter a brat.

"Oh great mr Bradford you're here, come in Sadie, Rosie mr Bradford and miss chen" the principal says gesturing them to go in.
Lucy and Rosie went in but Sadie didn't move she was still sat on the floor with her head on her knees.

Tim rolls his eyes and kneels infront of her and puts his hand on her knee.
"Sweetie..I'm sorry about this morning..please don't be angry with me" Tim says softly.
Sadie looks up at him
"I'm sorry too" she mumbles and stands up, Tim rubs her arm and grabs her bag and they both walk into the office both taking a seat away from Lucy and Rosie.

"okay what's going on?" Tim sighs, he could feel Lucy's glare.
"We have reasons and proof to believe that Sadie has been bullying and torturing Rosie." The principal explains, Tim frowns at his daughter.

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