she just wants her rosie back.

623 17 28

Tw: sh??

"go have a shower sweetie, get changed, freshened up and then I want you back here." Lucy says to her daughter as they walk into their home.

Rosie nods..she didn't feel like speaking. She was freezing, she felt nauseous, she felt disgusting..and somehow guilty??
She just slowly walks away from her mom with her head down grabs her essentials for her shower and locks her self in the bathroom, strips and turns the shower on and jumps in..and that's when she breaks, her eyes burned with tears her body was shaking..her knees buckled and tears were released..

She slides against the shower wall until she hits the floor and props her knees up to her chest and puts her head down and sobs..why? Why? Just why??!! She thinks..

Her body wracked with silent sobs..she hates her life..she hates herself..she hates the way she looks..she hates the way everyone treats her..she really hates Sadie Bradford.

A wave of anger flooded through her after a while, and she threw a shampoo bottle off the wall and she angrily started pulling her hair  and scratching her legs. Why is her life this awful?!

Lucy heard the loud bang off the shampoo bottle and she approached the bathroom door "honey are you okay?" She shouts and Rosie sniffles quietly, clears her throat and looked up to the ceiling, her red and puffy eyes were burning, her legs stung and her head ached.

"I'm fine." She says loud enough for Lucy to hear, Lucy wasn't too sure "what was that bang?" She asked and Rosie sighed and put her legs further into her chest and put her head down.
"Shampoo bottle slipping out my hand! Can I just have a shower in peace please.!" She snaps and Lucy's eyes widened at her daughter's tone, but it was pretty understandable after the day she's had so Lucy let it slide.
"Yeah, sorry honey." Lucy replies and walks back to the living room and pulls up her contact to call Chris..

She collapsed to the sofa, and put her phone against her ear while it rang.
"Lucy it's really not a good time..I'm looking at a court case with Wesley we are about-" Chris starts and Lucy cuts him off.
"I don't care Chris really I don't. I need you here as soon as possible" Lucy snaps and Chris was now panicking.
"What's happened?! Is Rosie okay?!" Chris says full of concern.
"No, no she's not. She's been suspended from school for further investigation" Lucy tells Chris and Chris gasps
"investigation for what?!" Chris snaps, now getting angry. What has his perfect little girl done?!

"She's send that bradfords daughter to hospital." Lucy sighs and so does Chris.
"the girl who has been bullying her?! Good on her! She's finally stuck up for her self. Now I don't need to snap Bradford in half" Chris praises his daughter.

"There's no evidence that Sadie Bradford has been bullying her, even though we all know she has..It's looking bad on Rosie Chris..and I just don't know what to do anymore-" Lucy says now bursting into a sob.
"Hey hey it's okay'll all come out in the end" Chris says now packing his stuff up to go to Lucy's.

"How can it be?? Sadie's dad is Sargent Bradford. Sargent of the LAPD, he's obviously going to take further action. Arghhh I just feel so bad for our poor girl Chris, she is one of the sweetest people you can ever meet and she's been getting tortured, bullied and targeted for months and it's..ruining her" Lucy says crying, she was frustrated with the situation.

"I know I know..but everything will be fine Lucy, stop spiralling..atleast stop spiralling for our girl. Does Tim even know his kid is bullying ours?" Chris asks now in his car driving, Lucy sighs
"No. He doesn't. He's thinking his girl is the victim, and her friends are playing along with it" Lucy sighs now wiping her tears.

"How bad are Sadie's injuries?" Chris asks and Lucy sighs
"She was knocked unconscious. Her face was pretty much all black and blue, i don't really know what her injuries are. I've been took off the case and I'm not allowed on her floor until she's discharged..but it didn't look good Chris" Lucy sniffles.
"Look, don't tell Rosie off or punish her. She's finally stuck up for her self Lucy. We've been watching her deteriorate away for a while..ever since this Sadie has targeted her, it's not right how she stuck up for her self but it's still something right? And if they take further action we will deal with it then. Let's just comfort our girl tonight, and see what tomorrow brings us" Chris says softly and Lucy wiped her eyes and nods even though Chris can't see her.

Lucy hears the shower turn off and she clears her throat "she's getting out the shower, I better go. I see you when you're here. Thanks" she says and hands up, she places her phone next to her and wipes her palms on her scrub pants and sighs, her heart is shattered because of this..


Rosie finally manages to wash her hair, and body and does her skin care. She gets out the shower and sees the scratches all up her knees from her anger outburst and grimaces, some of them were really deep that they were bleeding. She sighs and cleans them up and puts her pyjamas on.

She brushes her hair carefully, trying not to hurt her head more than it already is and she ties it back into a wet ponytail. She then pulls her glasses on and slowly walks out of the bathroom.

As she approaches her mom she wraps her arms around her self feeling self conscious suddenly and embarrassed. She takes a seat next to her mom and doesn't make eye contact with her.
Lucy breaks the silence. "I'm proud of you. You know that?" Lucy says softly and Rosie's eyes shined with tears, she glances at her mom and back to her lap.

"How! I sent a girl to hospital mom!! I'm a monster, an ugly ugly monster! I should be arrested. Sadie's right. I'm pathetic." Rosie snaps and storms to her room slamming the door, she leans against the door and slides down it.

Lucy was speechless..her usual quiet daughter is now a completely different person..she just wants her Rosie back..

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