secret is out

441 18 22

"Wait here." Angela snaps, Lucy sighs and waits for Angela to pop her head into the room.

Angela walks into the room to see Sadie sat on her phone and zoned out.
"Hey Sadie" Angela smiles softy, Sadie looks up and smiles.
"Is your dad okay?" Angela whispers pointing to Tim who was out of it, Sadie shrugs Angela sighs and waves her hand in Tim's face.
"Earth to Timothy" she says and Tim snaps and jumps out of his trance and scrubs his hands over his face.

"Don't scare me like that" Tim scoffs and Angela places the breakfast bag on Sadie's bed and puts her hands on her hips and looks at Tim unbelievably.
"Tim you were in your own world. I did not scare you." Angela replies, Tim doesn't reply he just glances at his daughter who was now rummaging through the bag of food.

Angela turns to Sadie and smiles "looks like someone is feeling more her self" Angela says softly.
"Yeah. Doctors changed my pain meds, I also don't feel as nauseous today. Obviously my head still hurts and my nose but not as severe as it was, dad and doctors say I'm allowed back on my phone with low brightness. " Sadie shrugs happily, her little spark was coming back.

"I'm glad. Uhhh but guys you have a visitor." Angela admits regretfully.
Tim and Sadie snap their heads to Angela confused.
"Who is it ang?" Tim asks worriedly.
"Lucy." Angela says and backs away incase Tim pounces at her.

"Seriously?! I thought she was told to fucking stay off this floor" Tim jumps up angrily and was about to leap out the door before Sadie grabbed his arm from the bed.
"It's fine- l-let her in" Sadie says feeling guilty.
Tim looks at his daughter and softens and nods at Angela, he grabs his chair and pulls it closer to Sadie's side and waits for Angela to grab Lucy.

Angela goes outside "come in." Angela says sternly. Lucy grips the gift bag tighter and awkwardly walks in and glances straight at Tim then sadie.

"Make it quick." Tim blurts out, Angela makes her way to sit in the other plastic chair next to Tim.
"I- I just wanted to say sorry Sadie. You know, for Rosie's actions..we got you know to say sorry. I know this won't fix anything but it's a start." Lucy stuttered, she felt forced to say it.

She hands the gift bag to Sadie and Sadie takes it silently, drowning in guilt.
"yeah." Sadie nods glancing through it and placing it on the side.

"Is that all?" Tim scoffs, Lucy nervously glances at Sadie who was doing everything and anything to avoid eye contact with everyone in the room.

"Nearly. How are you feeling Sadie?" Lucy asks and Sadie looks up and shrugs
"Well grade three concussion and a broken nose wouldn't be great Lucy? Would it?" Tim scoffs leaning back and crossing his arms.
"Suppose not. I hope you get well Sadie." Lucy murmured and leaves.
"Thanks." Sadie says to Lucy just as she leaves.

"You could have been abit more..friendly" Angela says to the both of them,
Both of them frown "her daughter literally nearly killed mine." Tim snaps.
Angela was going to reply but a nurse comes in to check Sadie's vitals.

The nurse was finished and she glanced back at Tim and Sadie "Sadie can go home tonight,  she's improved really well and fast. She's obviously not one hundred percent but she's getting there. I will write up a prescription of pain meds to send home with her, lay off the brightness, physical activity, and she will get severe headaches for a while probably and abit of nausea but she's good to go if your comfortable with her going" the nurse says softly.

Tim smiles at Angela and back at the nurse "yes, yes! I'm glad she's okay."Tim says happily and smiles at Sadie who was already smiling at him.
"Great! I will be back just before dinner to take out her iv" she says and leaves.

Finally they were all left alone so they could eat the breakfast Angela brought.


Around an hour later there was a knock on the hospital room door, they all glanced up and smiled.
"Surprise" Rylee, Anna and Ava whispers happily knowing they have to be quiet for Sadie's head.
Sadie smiled brightly and sat up and opened her arms, all girls ran in for a group hug.
"We are so glad you're okay!" Anna says and the girls agree.

"I've missed you guys" Sadie admits and pulls from the hug, the girls pull out a few get well soon gifts and they all started to catch up.
Angela and Tim decided to give them privacy and head for a coffee trusting them to be sensible.


The girls were catching up on school, boys, friends lives in general until Ava brought up the subject "what are we going to do Sadie" she asks and Sadie looks at her.

"What do you mean?" She asks feeling her head increasing in pain by the minute.
"You know ,Rosie?  We can't get her was our fault you're here remember?! We all know what we, well mostly you've done" Ava sighs.

"What so your blaming me. She put me in here" Sadie scoffs.
"Yeah. I am blaming you, she was sticking up for her self. I'm not getting the blame and shit for something you've done. You've tortured her and bullied her the most Sadie..just because what she's a target or because you're jealous of her that she has both parents. You should have seen her in the bathrooms crying after idiots stuck her head in the toilet, I'm sorry I was taking your side this whole time till now. I feel gut sorry for that girl and guilty as fuck. And now she stuck up for her self and brought you down, she's going to get punished?? But non of us has been punished for anything we've done to her we all targeted her because she was an easy target but now..I've realised how disgusting we've all been. " Ava snaps now deciding to swap sides.

"You can't be serious." Rylee commented.
"Don't you dare bring up my mom!! If you want to go and hang about with little pumpkin freak no one is stopping you" Sadie snaps glaring at her now ex bff, getting ready to pounce.
"Maybe I will, she's much nicer than you fake ass bitches anyway." Ava laughs getting up and storming out the room and bumping into a figure..she backs away and looks up.

"Oh..Angela much did you hear exactly..?"Ava asks quietly.

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