I Love You More Than A Poet Loves Their Words

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  I don't fall in love easily, thus, I don't write love poems. But I love my friends a shit ton, so I tried channelling that love into something more romantic (not sure if it worked). Here we are, all because I wanted to try something new.

  Looking back, I don't think it turned out as good as I hoped :P


I Love You More Than A Poet Loves Their Words
I love you, but not 'til the day I die
and not as the bears love honey

I love you, but not like how birds love trees
And not to the moon and back

Because none are enough to express the love I feel.

I don't love you 'til the day I die, because it's specific to a finale
I'll love you until the end of eternity, where there isn't a certain date

I don't love you like bears love honey, because honey is one option of many
I love you like fish love water; unable to breathe when it's gone

I don't love you how birds love trees, because they use them for the high view
I love you how bees love pollen; entirely dependent for survival

I don't love you to the moon and back - not even around the world
Because I love you, extending beyond the universe, and growing just as such.
I'll love you more than anything could say; like how I love you more than a poet loves their words.

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