Meet Shapta & Janitra

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This is a work of fiction, names, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination! enjoy^^

Disclaimer!This is a work of fiction, names, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination! enjoy^^

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Shapta Chalid Adyadhana (36 thn)
a known as Shapta
He's the youngest son of Prambudi Adyadhana and Diajeng Dewi Adyadhana. He has an older sister named Shakira Suhita Adyadhana.
He's best graduate of Master Program
from Yale University.
He loves golf, hiking, bicycling and
luxury sport car.

Janitra Prameswari (32 thn)a known as Jania beauty influencer also loves modeling and fashion very much

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Janitra Prameswari (32 thn)
a known as Jani
a beauty influencer also loves
modeling and fashion very much.
BFA in Fashion Design from
Otis College of Art and Design.
She's the one and only daughter of Abimana Putra Suroto and Widya Mahaningtyas Suroto.

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