Ch 1. First Sight

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The first thing Juice noticed as they pulled up to the funeral home was the girl leaning up against the hearse blowing bright blue bubbles with her gum. She was dressed formally, a black vest over a low cut white tank top with black slacks. Her dark hair was braided away from her face, the long plait hanging over her shoulder, its end just brushing across her cleavage. One eyebrow lifted up over her mirrored aviators when she caught him looking, a small smirk pulling up the corner of her full lips. He wondered what a hot girl like her was doing in a funeral home of all places. Chibs called his name, pulling him from his study. With a small hop, he chased after the rest of the guys into the room with the incinerator where Skeeter was working, catching one last glimpse of her as he closed the doors behind him.

He stood near the door as Jax and Chibs took the lead on the conversation, his thoughts still on the girl outside. Who was she? What the hell was she doing at a funeral home?A few parts of the conversation stood out to him, the part about Skeeter being done with gambling and not wanting their money especially. Jax was able to work something out though, seemed the creepy old guy wanted some pussy more than money. Skeeter informed them where they could find the bodies they needed; one was already six feet under.

"You mean we gotta dig it up?" the Prospect asked apprehensively.

Jax smirked. "Who said anything about 'we'?"

Skeeter grinned widely and headed towards the door. He nodded at the girl who was still leaning against the hearse. "Ang! Come over here a sec," he called out to her.

She pushed herself off of the black car, popping the bubble with a snap before heading over. Juice didn't miss the sexy swing of her hips as she walked, nor did he miss the sliver of tan skin that peeked out between where the bottom of her tank top ended and her pants began. He could just make out a bright splash of ink across the skin of her hip. He stared at it, trying to figure out what it was. " 'Sup Skeet?" she asked, her voice light as she pushed her sunglasses into her hair. Her dark brown, almost black, eyes surveyed each of them quickly before she looked back at Skeeter. If she noticed Juice staring, she didn't say anything.

"Guys, this is my apprentice, Angela," he introduced casually. He didn't say their names and she didn't ask. "Ang, I need you to drive this gentleman here to the Morales grave. Need to exhume him for somethin'. I got a body in the oven, think you can help?"

"Exhume? Fuck, Skeet, we just buried him. I'm not gonna do it again," she replied on a scowl.

"Don't worry about it, darlin'. We got the Prospect here to do that shit for ya," Jax reassured her with a smile.

She studied him for a brief moment, her dark brown eyes hesitant before she nodded. "Fine," she muttered, grabbing a shovel and thrusting it at Half-Sack. "Follow me, Prospect."

Jax hung back with Chibs and Juice, all eyes on her as she got into the burgundy colored van with the Prospect. "Can we trust her?"

"Who? Angie?" Skeeter questioned. At Jax's nod, he shrugged. " 'Course you can. Might want to give her a tip though, if you know what I mean. She gets pissy with shit like this."

He nodded, taking a few bills out of the envelope they were going to give to Skeeter anyway. "We'll give it to her when's she's done. Thanks, Skeeter. We'll be back later."


Angela nodded towards the pile of dirt that was surrounded by flowers. The grave was so fresh, the headstone hadn't even been installed yet. She'd worked all morning filling it and making sure the dirt was even so they could roll sod over it and make it match with the others. "See how flat that grave is? You know how fuckin' hard that is to do?" she asked the Prospect, leaning against a nearby headstone. At Half-Sack's blank look, she rolled her eyes. "Have at it. Go 'head. Ruin all the hard work I did."

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