Ch. 100 Fault

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Juice couldn't sleep. He was worried as hell about his wife. About his unborn child. It'd been a week since they'd found out. A week since they'd gone to the hospital together and seen the little heartbeat fluttering on the screen. He hadn't slept since. There was just too much to worry about. His mind was on overdrive. When it came to the club, he felt like he was standing on the edge of a skyscraper. Caught between being good with his brothers and a mayhem vote. All it took was one wrong move, and they'd kill him. He was sure of it. Being there on that edge was driving him insane. Usually he had Angela to help assure him that it was all going to be okay, but since he'd learned about her pregnancy, he hadn't wanted to put that on her. Worse was that he had no release for all of these pent up frustrations. He hadn't touched her in a week. The longest they'd gone since he'd been in prison. Not that he would ever complain to her about it. She was doing her best but hand jobs and blow jobs weren't the same. He missed the intimacy of being with her, of being inside of her.

He combed his fingers through her hair, twirling a strand around his finger. God, he loved this woman. So much. She stirred against him, her cheek nuzzling against his chest, but she stayed asleep. He turned his head, pressing his lips to her forehead and letting them linger there while he breathed in the scent of her hair. Just being close to her like this quieted his mind a bit. Chased away the demons he'd been wrestling with since killing Miles.

Evie's cries came over the baby monitor just moments before Rigor came running into their room, sitting by the bed and whining. Angela groaned, her hand stroking over his chest before she pushed herself off of him. "I got her," she murmured, tossing back the covers.

"You sure, Mama?"

She nodded, leaning over to kiss him before slipping out of bed. She was wearing a pair of loose boxers, and a huge t-shirt, a change from her usual lace boy shorts and tanks. He knew she was doing it because she thought it made her look less appealing to him. She couldn't be more wrong. She would always be sexy to him regardless of what she was wearing.

Turning on his side, he reached over to grab the baby monitor listening to Angela talk to Evie as if the baby could understand her. He smiled when he heard her singing Evie to sleep with the song they'd named her after. The song never failed to put their baby girl to sleep, and—though he'd never admit it—he had it memorized too. The sound of Angela's voice was soothing, and he found his eyelids growing heavier as he curled up, the baby monitor held tightly in his hand.


Angela walked back into their room and smiled at the sight before her. Juice was curled around the baby monitor, sleeping peacefully. She took a moment to enjoy his sleeping face, void of all the troubles that had been weighing on him for months now. He'd stop letting her in since they'd found out about the baby, and she knew it was to keep her from stressing but it was only stressing her more. She knew he needed someone to talk to, and with Chibs, his closest brother, all but alienating him, he was left floating around the club, looking for someone to connect with.

She slid into bed behind him, curling around him, her hand rubbing over his chest as she draped her leg over his hip. "Talk to me, Juicy," she murmured, pressing a kiss to the scar the prison shiv had left in his back before nuzzling her nose against his warm skin. "You've been too quiet lately. You're stressin' me out."

He smirked at the irony; the reason he hadn't told her anything was because he didn't want to stress her out. Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed the tattoo on her ring finger before leaning back into her. She scooted away, letting him lie on his back before she moved closer, putting her head on his chest. "A kid threw a wrench through our window, Jax and Nero had a fist fight since Nero 'n' Gemma think Tara's miscarriage was fake...just like you do," he told her softly, playing with her hair while he spoke.

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