Ch. 31 Time

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Angela was at St. Thomas to for a late pick up. The body was set to be cremated and Skeeter wanted it to be picked up as soon as possible. Since everyone else was busy with other things, she offered to go get it for him so he could set up with oven. She rolled the body towards the back exit, taking her time since she really didn't have anything else to do. She'd just barely gotten out of the elevator doors when a voice stopped her dead in her tracks. "Angelita?"

It was a voice she would've been able to recognize anywhere. It brought back memories of her carefree and crazy teenage years. It'd been too long since she'd last seen the owner of that voice; too long for her to decide whether seeing him again was a good thing or a bad thing. She turned around and smiled when she saw the mustached Mexican man standing at the other end of the hall. "Marcus," she greeted, nodding to him. She pushed the gurney to the side and met him halfway down the hall.

Marcus Alvarez gave her a curt nod, the corners of his mouth turning up with just the slightest hint of a smile as he pulled her into a quick hug. "Look at you, mija," he said, holding her out at arms length. "All grown up. I'd heard you were in Charming. Working?"

She nodded, looking back at the gurney. "Mm-hmm."

"Good for you," he said, pride in his voice. This was the little girl he'd watched grow up. The little girl he'd bailed out of jail when she and his son had been caught with alcohol as minors not once but twice. He was proud of her, though seeing her pained him; it reminded him of his son, the one he'd let go for the good of his club.

"I heard about Esai, Marcus. I'm sorry," she said, though she knew Esai's blood was on his father's hands despite the fact that Happy had killed him. "How's Dia holding up?" she asked, thinking back to his Old Lady. Diana Alvarez was one tough woman; a lot like Gemma in a lot of ways. Diana had taught Angela to cook, to sew, and most importantly, how to deal with men.

Marcus shrugged a shoulder. "Thanks. She's all right, mija. Just had a new baby. Little girl, Tessa."

"Congratulations!" Angela exclaimed with a bright smile. "I bet she's beautiful!"

"She is," he said, bobbing his head. "Listen, we're having a party down in the barrio on Sunday. You should stop by, mija. The crew would love to see you."

Angela sighed, twisting her ring around her finger nervously as she thought. She'd love to see her old friends again, but she knew the price that would come with going to a Mayan rally. "Maybe."

Marcus' dark eyes narrowed as they studied her. "Esai told me you were involved with the Sons now."

She looked down at her feet and shrugged. "Not with the club just...a member."

He understood what she meant; it was similar to what her relationship had been with the Mayans when she was dating Esai. He clapped her on the shoulder, squeezing it gently. "The Mayans and Sons are good now, mija. Think about it," he said, kissing her temple. "Good to see you, Angelita."

"You too, Marcus," she said. Her eyes followed his back as he headed back down the hall and slipped into the chapel.

Jax walked down the hall soon after, pausing when he saw her standing there. "You see a Mexican guy with a cut come down here?"

Angela blinked at him before nodding slowly. "Mustache? Slicked back hair?"

"That's the one," he said giving her a smile.

"Went in the Chapel," she replied gesturing in the direction Marcus had disappeared.

Jax clapped a hand on her shoulder as he headed past her towards the chapel. "Thanks, Ang."

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