Ch. 50 This Life

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For the second morning in a row, Angela was awoken by the awful ringing of her cell phone. She decided then and there to have Juice make those personalized ringtones for her that he was always going on about. The tricky thing was the people who called her the most always had different numbers so a ringtone wouldn't stay personal for long. Rubbing at her tired eyes, she untangled herself from Juice who was still snoring away, stretching out a hand to pick up the phone. "Angela Ruiz."

"Hey kiddo," Kozik's voice replied, bright and happy as always. "Hap and I are outside. Want to grab some breakfast?"

She glanced at the clock, noticing that it was five in the morning. "Jesus, Kozi. It's five AM! The sun's not even out yet."

"Aww c'mon, kid. I'm only here for the day. I wanted to see ya before we got busy," he said on a laugh. He knew Angela wasn't a morning person and found a sick sort of pleasure in waking her up early. "I even nicked the truck from Tacoma so you wouldn't have to ride bitch. C'mon."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she grumbled getting out of bed. She pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt, grabbing Juice's sweatshirt and tugging the hood up over her head. "I'll be right there."

After jotting a quick note to Juice, she tugged on a pair of slipper boots and headed out the door. Just as he promised, Kozik was standing in front of one of the large delivery trucks with Happy sitting on his Dyna nearby. Despite the early hour, she had to admit, she was happy to see them. It felt like forever since they'd last been all together. Walking quickly across the lawn, she hugged Happy briefly before throwing her arms around Kozik.

The blonde biker squeezed her tightly, arching his back and lifting her off her feet. "There's my favorite girl," he exclaimed setting her back on her feet. "Ready to go? Hap and I found a diner that's open early."

"Sounds good," she replied climbing into the truck.

She let out a yawn as Kozik started it up, making him chuckle. "Still not a morning person, huh?"

"Its 5 AM, Koz. Even morning people don't like to be up this early."

"I do."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Of course you do, weirdo."

He grinned at her, pulling away from the curb and following carefully after Happy's Dyna. "So, my defective typewriter, how's the little thing growin' inside ya?" he asked, reaching out a hand to poke her stomach.

Angela slapped his hand away, scowling at him. "Fine. Saw its heartbeat again yesterday. It's a strong one," she mused, rubbing a hand over her stomach.

"You tell the idiot about it yet?"

"I did, actually," she replied. At his surprised look, she smiled. "What? It's still early. I wanted to give him the chance to opt out."

Kozik looked disappointed as he shook his head. "C'mon, Ang. We both know you wouldn't have given the kid up. I wouldn't have let you."

She rolled her eyes at him, sliding down in her seat and kicking her booted feet up onto the dash. "He's really excited about it, Kozi. Past couple of weeks have been hard but...his whole face just lit up with that smile when I told him and I...I can see us being a family, y'know?"

He nodded in agreement; he could see it too. Angela with a bunch of rugrats running around her feet while Juice tried to teach them some stupid thing on the computer. "That kid is gonna be gorgeous. No lie. I mean, hopefully he doesn't get Juicer's big nose, but between the two of ya, he'll be a heartbreaker."

"There is nothing wrong with Juice's nose," Angela stated on a scowl. She loved every feature of her man's handsome face. "What makes you think it's a boy anyways?"

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