Ch. 18 Boom

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The next morning, Juice gave Angela a ride back to TM to get her car. He helped her off of his bike before walking with her to the Mazda and opening the door for her. "Such a gentleman," she teased, leaning against the car.

He grinned back at her from where he stood, his arm draped over the open car door. "You really busy today?"

She checked her phone, scrolling through her texts. "Have a pick up at the hospital later once their done with the autopsy," she explained on a shrug. "Gotta cremate him and that's about it. Mondays are slow surprisingly."

"Cool," he said, nodding his head. "I'll see you tonight? My place?"

Angela's heart did a little flip at the invite. She knew what it meant for him to invite her to-what she affectionately called-"the Bat Cave" since it was a bachelor's pad filled with all his gadgets. "Yeah, definitely," she said with a smile. Her eyes were drawn over his shoulder to where a Prius was pulling in, one of its front axles bare. Opie went over to go deal with it. She watched as Lyla got out of the car, half her torso left bare by her top in true porn star fashion. "That's quite a flat," she commented, nodding towards the silver car.

"No shit," Juice said, on a chuckle.

Opie nodded at Angela, catching her attention. "Ang, you need to be somewhere soon?"

Angela shrugged a shoulder. "Nope. Got a few hours to kill before work. Why?"

"You mind givin' Lyla a lift to Luann's studio?"

" 'course not," she replied, smiling at the blonde girl who was looking at Opie like he was the hottest thing on Earth. She raised an eyebrow back at Juice who looked a little clueless as to the flirtation going on between Lyla and Opie. "I'll see you later, Juice."

"Yeah. Drive safe, Angel," Juice said, surprising her when he leant over to press a quick kiss to her lips.

She fought off the silly smile that was threatening to spread across her face. It was just a simple peck; they'd been fully making out in front of everyone at Bobby's party just a few days before...why should this kiss be any different? But it was to her. It was so sweet and so casually done in front of Opie and all the guys at the garage almost as if she was his girlfriend.  No. She stopped herself. She was not his girlfriend. They were just friends. Best friends. "Always do," she said on a quick breath, pushing a hair behind her ear.

She slid into the car, waiting for Lyla and her son to get in. "Hey Ang," Lyla greeted with a knowing smile. "This is my son Piper, Pipe, this is Angela, a friend of mine."

"Hi," Piper said shyly.

"Hey Piper," Angela replied, glancing at him in the rearview mirror as she started the car. She pulled out quickly, waving at Juice on her way out. "So where to?"

"Charming Elementary," Lyla answered. "Do you know where that is?"

Angela smiled and nodded, it was the same school Kenny and Ellie went to. "I do, actually! Ope's kids go there. I babysit them sometimes," she commented, slyly giving Lyla more information about the bearded man she'd just been ogling.

Lyla's eyebrows shot up, but she didn't ask more, just nodded. It was a quick ride to the school and Piper made it there just in time. Once they were alone in the car, Lyla turned to Angela with a grin. "That Mohawked guy your boyfriend?"

"Oh Juice? Nah, he's my best friend," she answered on a shrug.

"You sure about that, Ang? You two looked pretty cozy. That kiss was really sweet."

"So was your little flirtation with Ope," Angela pointed out, effectively changing the subject.

Lyla smiled almost shyly which was odd for a porn star to be getting shy about a little flirting. "He seems like a sweet guy. I got a good vibe from him."

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