Ch. 72 Breaking Down

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Juice's phone went off in the middle of the night. It didn't matter though, Angela was already awake, tossing and turning this way and that as she tried to get comfortable. The baby in her belly was kicking up a storm and driving her insane. Not that it bothered Juice. He could sleep through anything including the loud incessant beeping sound of his burner. Angela couldn't think of a sound she hated more than that stupid tone. She thought about not waking him up since it felt like he'd only just gotten into bed, but she knew better than to let him sleep through it. They would keep calling until they reached someone. "Juice," she muttered, trying to shake him awake. "Baby, your phone."

He groaned as he opened his eyes. "Shit," he muttered, running a hand over his face as he reached out to answer it.

In almost the same instant, Angela's phone went off. "Are you fucking kidding me?" she said, grabbing it and checking the ID before answering. "Chloe? What the hell?"

"Sorry, lady," Chloe's voice was truly apologetic. "We've been trying to get a hold of someone in the Teller family for a half hour and have gotten nothing. You're second on Thomas and Abel's emergency contact lists at the day care, figured I'd give you a shot."

Angela sat up, watching Juice as he paced back and forth, his phone pressed to his ear. Tara had never told her she was on their emergency contact list, though she understood why; the doctor had told her more than once she was one of the few friends she had left. "Shit. What happened?"

"Gemma was in an accident with the boys in the back seat of her car," she explained on a sigh. "Thomas is fine, but Abel got a pretty bad bump on the head and something funky happened with his heart. Can you get a hold of Tara?"

"Yeah, yeah, definitely. I'll figure it out," she said quickly. "Should I head over?"

"That wouldn't be a bad idea, per se. I'm sure Margaret would appreciate someone looking after Thomas while she does all the paperwork," Chloe replied.

"All right. I'll be right there. Thanks Chlo." Angela hung up the phone and got out of bed with sigh, heading over to her dresser and pulling out a pair of yoga pants with one of her looser tank tops before turning to Juice. "What was yours for?" she asked, watching him get dressed.

"Jax and Chibs were run off the road," he explained, pulling up his pants. "You?"

"Gemma got into an accident with the boys in the car. I'm on their e-cards at the day care so Chloe called me to go down there to take care of 'em. Do you have a way to get ahold of Jax or Tara again?"

Juice ran a hand over the strip of hair in the middle of his head. "Shit. Those poor boys. Yeah, I'll let 'em know," he muttered, crossing the room to her. She'd put his big baggy sweatshirt on to hide her baby bump, something she was still getting used to. He zipped up the sweatshirt for her, kissing her forehead when he got to the top. "Gonna head to Clay's. Let him know what's up."

Angela's disapproval was apparent on her face. "Can't you just call him?"

"I don't got the number for his burner, and he doesn't have his house phone set up," he explained, a little irritated by her attitude. "It's club business, baby. That's how we do it."

She didn't look convinced. "Whatever, Juice," she said on a sigh. She absolutely hated how close he was to Clay. "I'm gonna head to St. Thomas."

That small feeling of annoyance he'd had when he'd gotten home earlier grew stronger. There had to be a reason why she hated Clay so much other than the fact he'd killed Piney. What was she hiding from him? What made her hate Clay so much? "What's your deal with Clay?"

"Nothing, Juice," she murmured, shaking her head at him and sitting on the bed with a sigh. She leaned over with a grunt, slipping on her shoes.

He caught her chin in his hand, lifting it gently so that her eyes met his. "Baby, you can't keep me outta this," he said, letting go of her chin and tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "You don't keep secrets from me."

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