Ch. 79 Cold as Ice

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Angela sat on the porch swing in front of her mom's house, lazily rocking it back and forth with her foot, a hot cup of tea in her hand. She didn't know what her aunt did to make the tea actually taste good, but she was grateful for it. She'd made the trip up to Bakersfield out of pure boredom and the promise of a home cooked meal. Juice had been acting distant ever since Clay had been sent inside. There was a serious chill in their house coming from his cold shoulder. She didn't know what was wrong with him. Every time she asked, he'd dodge the question, tell her he was fine. But he wasn't fine, and she knew it.

The sound of a motorcycle interrupted her thoughts. Looking out onto the street, she watched Happy pull into the drive and get off his Dyna, hanging his helmet on the handlebars before heading up the walk. He stopped at the porch, his dark eyes looking her over, a brief look of concern crossing his face. "You all right?" he asked, foregoing walking inside and sitting down next to her.

"Yeah, just tired and pregnant," she said on a nod, leaning over to put the mug on the floor by her feet. Her eyes landed on a new patch on his cut. "Sergeant, huh?"

Happy smirked proudly. "Bobby gave up his seat. Chibs got VP, so Jax offered me the patch."

"Congrats." Angela smiled, running her fingers over the familiar lettering. Kozik had worn a similar patch and had been damn proud of it. She hated herself for getting choked up about a stupid patch, but she remembered when Kozik had gotten his; how proud he'd been. He'd given her a big ole smile, his chest puffed out, and told her he wouldn't have been able to do it without her. That if she hadn't gotten him clean, he'd never have been considered for the patch. She sniffled a bit and wiped at her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she nodded. "Looks good on ya."

If he saw the tears in her eyes, he didn't comment on them. "Thanks," he stated before changing the subject. "Surprised you're here."

She rubbed a hand over her belly, pressing on a tender spot where the baby had just kicked her. "Needed a break from all of the Charming bullshit. Nice to be here and be doted on for a bit."

"Idiot not takin' care of you?"

"He's so wrapped up in his own shit right now, he doesn't know what to do with himself half the time," she replied honestly. "Him being a part of the whole Clay thing really fucked with his head. I don't know what to do about it."

Happy shrugged a shoulder. "Nothin' you can do."

She smirked, rolling her eyes at him. "Helpful, Hap. Thanks."

He just shrugged again. The only advice he could give her was to give the idiot some space, but he knew that would upset her. She was pregnant, looked about ready to pop. He was not about to tell her to give the person she lived with space. If something happened to her because Juice wasn't around to help her, Hap would never forgive himself. "Where's your car?"

"Don't get mad," Angela started, watching as his brows furrowed in response. "I was hangin' out with Chlo when your Ma called to say she was making flan. I told Chlo, and she said I shouldn't be driving so far away by myself with Monk since apparently being seven—almost eight-months pregnant means you can't do shit so...she drove."

Happy's eyes scanned the street, landing on the familiar Audi. "You serious?"

She nodded slowly. "Monk wanted flan. Badly," she replied nonchalantly.

He didn't believe that for a second. "Don't mess with my shit, kid."

"What shit?" she asked playing the innocent card. "I didn't tell them you're fucking her, if that's what you're worried about. I'm not a rat. I honestly just needed someone to come out here with me and Juice was busy."

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