Ch. 3 Diapers and Zombies

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Thank you all for your comments! You guys convinced me to keep posting here on Wattpad! :) I'm hoping to post it up pretty fast since I have this whole story completed on I'm going to edit it (and add to it) as I go, though, so it might be slightly different from the other one.

To give you a frame of reference, this chapter is set towards the end of Season 1, episode 3. ;)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Angela


A few days went by and Angela hadn't heard anything from Juice. She chalked it up to mixed signals; apparently, he hadn't been as into her as she had originally thought. It still didn't stop her from whipping her head around at the sound of a Harley to see if it was him. She pulled the funeral home's huge burgundy van into the St. Thomas parking lot and slid out of the seat, hitching up her pants as she went to grab her cart from the back. She spotted the black motorcycle parked by the front steps and a flicker of hope blossomed in her chest; maybe Juice was there. Her hopes were dashed when she saw Jax heading towards the bike, making her feel stupid for hoping it was the mohawked biker with the goofy smile.

Jax spotted her, a lazy smile forming on his face. "Hey Ang," he greeted with a nod as she rolled the cart towards the hospital. "What are you doing here?"

She shrugged a shoulder. "Getting a cup of coffee and then maybe I'll pick up a body."

"Just maybe?" he asked, amused by her nonchalance.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, bodies don't just walk to the funeral home. You have to go get 'em," she explained with a wink.

He chuckled, shaking his head at her. "Good luck," he told her as he strapped his helmet on. He watched her push the cart up the ramp before an idea struck him making him pause. " 'ey Angie! Go by the police station on your way home. I hear there's some pretty interesting scenery over there."

She quirked an eyebrow at him, dying to ask but deciding against it; she was going to find out eventually. "Sure thing. See you around!"

After grabbing a quick cup of coffee in the St. Thomas cafeteria, she loaded the body into the empty van and climbed up into the driver's seat. Remembering what Jax had said, she took the long way back, driving by the police station on her way to the funeral home. A big laugh left her lips as she saw exactly what Jax had meant when he said there was some "interesting scenery". Juice was walking down the avenue clad in just a diaper and his big work boots, a very confused look on his face.

She slowed to a stop next to him, honking to catch his attention and laughing when the sound made him jump. "Look at that, a lost baby," she teased through her open window.

Juice just gave her his trademark grin, not at all ashamed of his state of undress. Angela wasn't surprised, his body was well toned and quite a sight to behold. He had no reason to be embarrassed. It was the adult sized diaper he should be embarrassed about, she decided. "Oh hey Angel," he greeted, leaning into the van through the passenger's window. "How's your day goin'?"

"Better than yours," she shot back, unlocking the door. "Need a ride home?"

He scratched at the back of his neck, still trying to figure out where he was. "Sure, I guess," he said, opening the door and groaning as he hopped into the car. He could only guess his sore muscles were a result of sleeping on the ground. "Where'd you come from?" he asked, looking around the van.

"The hospital," she said, nodding to the body bag in the back. "Needed to pick something up."

There was a cup of coffee in the cup holder, steam coming from the opening in the lid. "Coffee?" he asked sarcastically. He was well aware of the body in the back of the van, but he was doing his best to ignore it. Leaning forward, he took the Styrofoam cup from the cup holder and took a long sip of the warm liquid.

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