Ch. 69 Goof

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Juice woke up to the feel of something licking his hand. Groaning, he opened one eye to find Rigor staring back at him. Sometime in the night, his hand had fallen off the side of the bed and the dog was currently licking it as if he knew it would wake him up. "Hey boy. Need to piss?" he murmured, stroking a hand over Rigor's head. Rigor sat down, looking at his master expectantly. "All right, all right, I'll get up."

He looked over at Angela who was lying on her stomach with her face turned towards him, her hand resting on his chest just over his heart. The past couple of days, she'd fallen asleep curled on her side of the bed, her back towards him. The fact that she was at least touching him made him hopeful that things would get better. Picking up her hand, he pressed a kiss to her fingers before dotting kisses along her arm up to her bare shoulder.

"Mmm," she murmured, stirring as his hand stroked down the soft skin of her back. Her dark eyes slowly opened, a sleepy smile spreading across her face. "Hi."

"Morning beautiful," he greeted, kissing her shoulder.

Her hand moved to his face, thumb gently swiping over his bruised cheek. "How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice rougher than usual.

Truthfully, his muscles ached and his head was throbbing but waking up to her smiling face made it all worthwhile. "Never been better," he answered on a smile. "You got work today?"

"Mmm-hmm," she said, her eyes drooping closed. She was exhausted both mentally and physically, so she'd decided she was going to sleep in. As long as there was no pending bodies, she should be fine. "Later."

He chuckled softly, brushing her hair from her face. "I'm going to take our boy for a walk. You sleep," he said, leaning over to kiss her temple a few times. "Love you, my Angel."

"Go away goof," she murmured, moving her hand to cover his face and pushing him away, the smallest hint of a smile on her face. "Lemme 'n' monk sleep."

Juice grinned at that, happy to have his family close. Rigs whined from the bedside. He was still too small to jump on the bed by himself, but he had his paws up on the side of it, waiting impatiently. "Okay, Rigs. Let's let Mama sleep," he said, groaning as he got out of bed. He felt her hand hook around the elastic of his boxers and looked over his shoulder to find her sitting up on her elbow that dark, lusty look in her eyes. "Unless she doesn't want to sleep..."

Rigor whined again as if he knew what was going to happen and knew it was going to be awhile before he got his walk. Angela glanced at him and frowned. "One kiss and go take care of our boy before he pees on our floor, then come back and we'll have some fun," she said decidedly.

He leaned over and pressed a long, hot kiss to her lips, his hands tangling in her hair. Rigor barked making Juice pull away with a laugh. "Hold that thought," he murmured, kissing her nose. "I'll be back."

"Walk fast!" she called after him, laughing when he jogged out, hoisting his pants up as he went.


Angela lay in bed reading one of the funnier baby books she'd found at the store. Juice had been gone for a lot longer than she'd expected him to be, and with everything going on, she was a little worried something had happened. She heard the front door shut and grinned in relief, throwing back the covers and getting to her feet. Stretching her arms over her head, she grabbed Juice's black hoodie off of one of the hooks on the wall and slipped it on. She padded her way down the hall towards the living room, smiling when Rigor ran towards her. "Good morning handsome!" she cooed to the puppy, rubbing a hand over his head.

"Mornin' to you too," came a voice from the living room.

She stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widening when she saw Clay Morrow sitting on one of her couches. "Oh. Hi," she said awkwardly. His blue eyes raked over her figure, making her feel awfully naked in the sweatshirt that was much too short on her. She tugged on the bottom of it uneasily wishing she'd at least thought to put underwear on underneath.

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