Ch. 120 Sisterly Love

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Juice woke up in the strange bedroom early in the morning feeling like he'd been hit by a train. Though his sister had tried to get him to talk the night before, he found he'd been too tired to do so, too weak minded to delve back into the chaos that was his life at the moment. Jo had understood and after they'd shared a beer in mostly silence, she'd showed him to a rather large guest room at the end of the hall. It was a cool room, well decorated with plenty of light. Sitting up in bed, he ran his hand over his face, staring at the small burner on his bedside table. It was the last phone he had that Angela still had the number to. His last way of contacting her. Reaching out for it, he flipped it open and stared at the small home screen with the tiny picture of her and Evie. His thumb hovered over the speed dial number that would connect him with them. He knew he couldn't do it, couldn't call them. It would jeopardize his whole escape plan. But, man, did he want to. Even just to hear her greet him and then hang up. She'd know, though. She'd recognize the number and the whole thing would be for naught.

Lying back down, he stared at the teal colored ceiling, watching the blades of the white ceiling fan slowly spin. Upstairs, he could hear his nephews and brother-in-law running around getting ready for their days. Jo had mentioned the boys had some summer camp that her husband, Dino, would take them to early in the morning. He was glad they'd be gone when he finally went up there; it'd give him some time to sit and catch up with his sister. It'd been way too long since they'd gotten a chance to do so.

With a grunt, he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He stared at the shower for a minute before leaning forward and turning it on. With a shaking hand, he slid the shower curtain closed and sat down on the toilet seat. Closing his eyes, he let the steam fill his lungs as he imagined Angela was there with him, just beyond the curtain listening to him like she always did. "I'm sorry, baby. Know it hurts right now, but its all for the best. I promise, Angel. I'll see you again soon. We'll be together, okay? We'll figure it out. Promise."

Sighing, he ran a hand through his short hair, scratching at his scalp. It was the longest his hair had been since he'd been in county, and he had to admit, he liked it. Liked the anonymity it brought him. He no longer was the outlaw with the tattoos on his head, with his hair hiding them, he was just a normal guy. No one looked twice at him anymore. Pulling the curtain back he frowned at the empty shower. "Soon," he told himself, knowing it was only a matter of time until Angela would be there. Stepping inside, he got under the hot spray and sighed again. "We'll be together soon."

After taking a long, hot shower and making sure the house was clear, he slowly walked down the hallway, taking in the pictures that lined it. All pictures of his sister's family. From the looks of it, they were a happy bunch that had travelled all over the place. He stopped in front of one of the boys with his mother and frowned; he hadn't talked to his mother in almost a year. Not since they got out of prison. She knew all about Angela but not about Evie.

"She fell off the wagon again," Jo's voice said from down the hall. " 's why we haven't heard from her in a while. Her and Freddy started using again. Pain meds this time. Told her to call me when she's sober. She's toxic to my boys. Don't want 'em around her like that."

"Can't blame you," he said on a sigh. "Haven't talked to her in a little over a year. She stopped showin' up on Skype."

"She sold the computer Dino got her. No laptop, no Skype. Surprised she didn't hit you up for cash," she commented, moving to stand next to him.

Juice shrugged a shoulder. "Only ever talked to her on Skype. She doesn't have my number otherwise. You hear from her recently?"

Jo sighed, raking her hands through her dark hair. "Nah. Last I heard, she was in the pen. Drug charges. Least I know she's safe there."

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