Ch. 4 Learning More

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Angela was sitting at the desk in the main office going through some paperwork when her cell phone rang, loud and obnoxious in the dead silence of the funeral home. Sighing, she prayed it wasn't the hospital asking for a pick up. "Angela Ruiz, how can I help you?" she asked flatly.

"Don't sound so excited," Juice's voice came over the other line.

She smiled, relaxing back into the chair. "Sorry, I thought it'd be someone trying to get me to work."

"Nah," he replied on a chuckle. "Just wanted to know if you wanted to get some lunch or somethin'. I'm hungry."

At the mention of food, her stomach gurgled. "Sounds good," she agreed, drawing a skull on the edge of her notepad as they talked. "Where do you want me to meet you?"

"I can pick you up. No big," he replied easily. "I'll be there in fifteen."

Her stomach did a flip flop at the thought of riding with him on his motorcycle. She'd been on her fair share of motorcycle rides and knew the intimacy that riding on the back of one entailed. A thrill went through her at the idea of being wrapped around him, clinging to him as he rode through the streets. "All right. See you then," she replied, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. 

As soon as she hung up the phone, she ran up the steps to her apartment, taking them two at a time wondering how the hell she was going to get ready so fast. Thankfully, she'd showered that morning, but she'd just pulled her hair back in a lazy braid instead of taking the time to dry and style it. Taking it out, she grimaced at the crazy waves left behind, but left them that way, deciding she should get dressed before she messed with her hair any more. Kicking off her slacks, she put on her favorite pair of ripped jeans before pulling on a pair of black boots. She took off her fancy blouse, leaving behind the simple black wife beater she was wearing underneath it. The lace of her blue bra peeked out over the neckline and she grimaced, about to change when she heard the motorcycle pull up. "Shit," she muttered to herself. Maybe he won't notice, she thought, raking her hand through her hair once more and tying it in a lose ponytail at the nape of her neck before running down the steps and out the door.

He was leaning against his motorcycle looking all kinds of sexy in his dark jeans, white shirt, and cut. Dark sunglasses shielded his eyes so she couldn't tell where he was looking, however the naughty grin on his face gave him away. Oh yeah, he'd noticed. "Hey Angel," he greeted on an up nod.

"Hey you," she replied heading over to him.

"You hungry?" he asked, setting his extra helmet on her head when she was close enough. She smiled when he did up the chin strap for her as if she couldn't do it herself, his calloused fingers lingering on her skin for a minute before he pulled away. "I know a good deli."

Angela nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds perfect."

"Hop on." He swung a leg over his Dyna and patted the seat behind him. "You ever ride before?"

She shrugged a shoulder. "Once or twice."

"Get on then."

She swung a leg over the motorcycle, sliding her arms around his middle as she settled into the seat. She let out a squeak of surprise when he grabbed her wrists and pulled her in closer. "I don't bite," he assured her. "Hard."

She laughed as she gave him a quick squeeze. "I don't mind," she shouted as the motorcycle roared to life.

Juice could feel the vibrations of her laugh against his back and smirked; he liked this girl. As he left the lot of the funeral home, he rode at break neck speed, trying to impress her. She clung to him tightly, her face pressed against his back, thighs pushing up on his own as she slid closer to him. It was a short ride to the small Italian deli, too short in Juice's opinion. He wouldn't mind having Angela pressed up against him like that all day if it was possible.

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