Ch. 129 Can't Wait

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Kenny stared out the window as the scenery whipped by him. Chloe was driving a little fast, nowhere near as fast as Angela would drive, but fast enough that they'd probably get to their destination earlier than expected especially since Ellie was currently behind the wheel of the U-haul following them. He glanced at Chloe out of the corner of his eye wondering how long it would take for her to break the silence. Angela had warned him Chloe was one for deep questions and meaningful talks, but she'd yet to say a word to him other than ask what kind of music he liked. But that had been hours ago, and he could tell she was getting antsy.

Finally, she cleared her throat. "So, how'd your friends take your big move?"

He shot Angela a quick text, telling her they'd made it four hours before Chloe decided to talk. Angela's immediate response was: Be nice. Talk to her like you talk to me. The added smiley poop emoji making him smile a bit. Sighing, he raked a hand through his hair and decided to do just what his new mom told him to. "What friends?"

Chloe grimaced, her thumb tapping nervously on the steering wheel. "Oh, I'm sure a nice guy like you had a bunch of friends."

That's where she was wrong. He might be a 'nice guy', but everyone at his old school only saw one thing when they looked at him, biker trash. "I got Bones, El, and Piper. But Pipes is Lyla's kid, and we lived together so he doesn't really count."


He sighed again, messing with the large ring on his finger that had once belonged to his real dad. "Yeah. Everyone at school knew who my family was. Knew what happened to my mom, to my dad, to my grandpa. People either weren't allowed to hang out with me or only wanted 'cause they thought I'd take 'em to the clubhouse or 'cause they wanted to be SAMCRO when they grew up," he explained, shaking his head. "Pipes buys into it. Him and his friends talk about joinin' the club all the time, but I hate that fake bullshit. Boner was the first guy I met who had no idea who I was. Shit, he didn't even know anything about the Sons 'cept that they ride bikes and wear matching uniforms, which is what he called their cuts."

Chloe snorted a laugh. "Yeah, he's a little oblivious."

"Yeah. Think that's why El likes him too."

"Their whole thing doesn't bother you?"

He smirked, remembering when Ellie had asked him if it was okay if they started seeing each other. He'd been prepared for the question seeing as Bones had already asked him. To be honest, he didn't give a shit. He just wanted Ellie to be happy. After all the heartbreak they'd been through, she deserved it. And he knew Bones wouldn't hurt her. Ever. It was more likely she'd end up hurting him, which he knew wouldn't happen either. They were a good fit for each other and knowing they were together made it that much easier to leave her behind in Charming. "Nah. She's happy. 's all that matters."

"You're a good brother, Ken."

Kenny shrugged again. Being a good brother wasn't hard. In fact, it was Ellie who should be praised for being such a supportive sister. She hadn't batted an eye when he'd told her he wanted Angela and Juice to adopt him. She'd even helped him talk to Lyla about it. He'd tried like hell to convince El to get in on the adoption, but she'd refused; she liked the independence that living with Lyla provided her and wanted to finish her last year of high school in Charming since she actually had friends there...not to mention Bones was there too. But she'd understood his need to get away and had helped in every step of the process. "Thanks."

He looked out the front window, staring at the Reaper on Happy's back as he rode in front of them. "Why Uncle Hap?"

Chloe coughed and sputtered at the seemingly random question. "What?"

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