Ch. 71 Secrets

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Greg the Peg looked up at the mortuary with unease pooling in his gut. Clay had wanted them to do one last break in after the horrible snafu with the Lieutenant's wife to prove that the hits weren't local. That whoever was doing them didn't give a shit about what happened to Rita and was just hitting up the houses of those close to SAMCRO, those close to Charming, to prove a point. Why Clay had suggested hitting Angela's funeral home was beyond him. He hated the idea of putting his ex...whatever in danger. He hoped she wasn't there. They'd been told to rough up anyone they found. When he'd asked about Angela, Clay had warned them to stay away from her stomach. Everything else was fair game. The lecherous look in GoGo's eyes at that statement put Greg on edge. If she was there, he hoped he found her first, so he could tell her to get the hell out before they hurt her...or worse.

He followed Frankie up the backdoor steps and waited anxiously while the larger Nomad kicked it in. There was a light on in the back room along with some loud instrumental music. It was a movie score Greg vaguely recognized. They headed in that direction, throwing open the workspace door to find a gangly kid with shaved hair and thick glasses working on Rita Roosevelt. The irony did not go over Greg's head. The kid was so immersed in what he was doing; he didn't hear them enter until Frankie had a gun in his face.

The kid dropped whatever tool was in his hands and held them up in the air. Greg could see them shaking as Frankie demanded all the money the funeral home had. Unfortunately for the kid, when they opened the safe, there was nothing in there save for a bank deposit bag with a few hundreds. Not enough to make the break in worth it. Greg thought about mentioning the upstairs apartment which was sure to have more valuables but decided against it as he watched Frankie and GoGo give the kid a beat down before destroying the small office, breaking the computer screens and shattering the picture frames. He stepped carefully over one of them, feeling guilty as hell when he saw Angela and Kozik smiling back at him. He kicked it aside and laid a few hard kicks into the kid on the ground, taking out his anger on him. When he was done, he went to stand guard outside, waiting for the other two to come out.


The Star Trek theme song woke Angela from her sleep. Opening one eye, she reached out for the cursed object and put it to her ear. "This better be good, Boner," she ground out, glancing at the clock. It really wasn't that late, just a little after midnight. Why was Bones calling her?

"Ang, I need you," he grunted, his voice sounding rough like he was having a hard time breathing.

Angela was up in seconds, throwing the covers back and pulling on a pair of sweatpants. "I'm on my way. I'll be right there, kiddo," she assured him, getting dressed in a frenzy.

She practically sprinted into the living room where Juice was playing some video game, unwinding from the events of the day. He raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?" he asked, pausing his game and watching as she searched for her keys.

"Something's going on with Boner at the funeral home," she explained, tugging his sweatshirt on over her shoulders. "I gotta...I need to make sure he's all right."

"I'm going with you," he said, getting to his feet with a groan. She gave him a thankful smile, waiting for him to put on his boots before heading towards the door. He grabbed her car keys from her, heading to the Mazda and getting into the driver's side before she could protest. She sank down into the passenger's seat, her fingers nervously twisting at her ring. "What happened to him?"

"I don't know," she said, raking a hand through her hair. "But he sounded bad."

Juice nodded, pressing on the gas just a little harder. He knew the stress wasn't good for their kid and wanted to get there as fast as possible to ease her worries. Reaching over the center console, he took her hand in his and squeezed. "If he called you, he's fine."

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