Chapter 31: Nightmares

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Kokichi pov:

I woke up and the first thing I felt was warmth and tears that were running down my eyes. I looked up only to see shuichis face. I blinked and then moved a bit to get out of his arms. After a while I then sat next to him while he still was sleeping peacefully. My heart was racing and I didn't know if it was because of shuichi or because of the nightmare I had. I looked at my hands. They were shaking. I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom."Everything's alright. Shuichi is still alive. He didn't kill him and he never will. It only was a nightmare...a nightmare. I'll go to therapy and then I can forget him. I won't have to see him again. Calm down..calm down Kokichi." I thought to myself as I stared into the mirror.I splashed some water in my face as I tried to calm myself down. "Gosh..I wish these terrible nightmares would stop already. I can't bare them anymore.."

I slowly sat down on the floor and buried my face in my hands. I always felt helpless, it's just that I usually never show it. Only shuichi has ever seen it before.
I let out a shaky breath and just sat there for a long while, not knowing what to do. I knew I could go back to sleep again but my mind and body were still under shock from that nightmare. "I guess it really is time for some therapy, hm?" I thought and looked at the door that I closed when I entered bathroom. I then closed my eyes softly and kept trying to calm myself down.

Shuichi pov:

"It's kind of..cold". That was my first thought as I woke up. I looked down at my arms only to see that Kokichi wasn't there, so I panicked a little until I saw the bathroom light glowing. I slowly sat up and stretched myself before standing up. I felt weak and even though I never slept so well before it also was one of my worst nights, because I had a nightmare. Usually nightmares don't affect me that much, but this one had Kokichi in it. I saw him killing himself. That's a sight I never want to see. Yeah..that's my true nightmare..loosing him.
I started to walk towards the bathroom door and knocked on it softly. I heard a small "come in" and the walked in. Kokichi was sit on the floor and he didn't look well at all, so I got a bit worried. I walked up to him, sat down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?" I asked and Kokichi gave me a small nod. "Yeah I'm fine...did I wake you up?" He asked and chuckled a bit. "I'm sorry if I did". "Oh no! You didn't wake me up don't worry. I woke up by my own. I had a terrible nightmare." " too?" Kokichi suddenly asked and I understood what he meant. "Yes, but you had a nightmare too?" "A really bad one, yeah".

And so we ended up telling each other what we dreamed about. It's weird that we both had a nightmare at the same time but well. After we told each other about our dreams I then took Kokichi hand and helped him up. "Well let's just go to sleep again, okay? It's still in the middle of the night." " are right."

And so we made our way back to the couch. I had a weird feeling in my stomach the whole time, but I ignored it the best I can. Kokichi then crawled to me and buried his face in my shoulder. I really don't know when he became so clingy. I sighed softly and wrapped an arm around me. He then calmed down and slowly fell asleep again while I just stayed awake. Well, I'm a person who can't fall asleep easily when I already slept before waking up. So I just watched Kokichi sleep for the rest of the night. I sometimes stroked his soft hair or stroked his back. Then, after some hours, the sun started to rise. The sunlight shined through the window and Kokichi slowly opened his eyes. He smiled a bit and got out of my grip easily. He then sat up and stretched his arms. I also sat up and gave him a small smile. "And? How did you sleep now? Any more nightmares?" "Nope" he simply answered and smiled back "and I slept great." He then got up and told me, that he was going to go to his room now so he can change clothes. He also told me that I will see him in school. I was, to be honest, always confused about dates so I wasn't even trying to figure out wich day today was. I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom slowly while looking at my phone. I then brushed my teeth and changed into some fresh clothes. After that I started to prepare the stuff I needed for school and walked to class. On my way, I met rantaro, who happily smiled at me. We were both waiting for kaede and then we continued our way. After a short time we arrived in our class and sat down at our usual places. Kokichi came in short after and so did the others. Mister Monokuma came late again and apologized for it. He then started to teach and everybody was quiet, which was unusual. I sighed softly and made notes to the important things he said. I was really focused on class and almost didn't hear the bell ringing. I quickly packed my things, stood up and walked outside with kaede, since I decided to spend some time with her again. But just as we wanted to go someone grabbed my arm.

It was Kaito. I frowned and glared at him. He looked at me pleadingly and said that we need to meet. Me, Kokichi and him. I looked at him with a more serious expression. "When?" I asked him fast and he said tomorrow after class. I sighed. I knew that we had to talk. But I wanted to avoid it. I just nodded and then put out my phone to send a message to Kokichi. Kaito already walked away while I did that. "Why did you save him with a heart?~" Kaede suddenly said and I blushed a bit. "No reason." "Don't lieee!" I sighed annoyed and whispered "you know already why" she then started smiling and laughed at me. What a great best friend.
"I always knew it. It's so obvious." I sighed again and just nodded with a flustered look. I quickly send him the message and then walked with kaede to her dorm..

Sooo that was it! I'm really sorry for updating so late, but I had NO Motivation at all. Well now I have some and I'm back! Hehheee~

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