Chapter 34 - Redepemtion

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  Walking through the rubble of New York City, shadows and echoes of past memories ran through your mind. You saw children getting off the school bus, running to their mothers' open arms or a line of customers in a coffee shop early Monday mornings. You saw the potential of life returning to the city once again, all thanks to this retromutagen.

Maybe one day you could even return to your lab and continue your original research.

You look ahead, seeing the 4 turtle lead the way through piles of debris and crumbling buildings. They had sacrificed so much for you and the city, only to have to retreat to the sewers once again once life returns. It wasn't fair...Sacrifices that will never be paid. You wanted to stay with Donatello, desperately. You didn't want to leave the safety of his lab to step outside and have to face the reality of a functioning world once humanity was restored.

"Aw dude!" You heard a voice behind you, Mikey's cheerful sound as he patted your back.

"Listen, we are going to get through this, I promise. Absolutely no need to stress. Ol' Mikey's got you, ok?" His goofy grin made your heart sink slightly. He was always so cheerful and uplifting. You didn't realize just how much each turtle meant to you until you realized that you might have to say goodbye to them. You didn't plan on ever leaving them. No, they would have to drag you away from them, through tooth claw and scratching as you are forced away from them. There was no way you were letting the four brothers out of your life again...especially Donnie, never him. With him would go a piece of your soul/

You smiled up at the goofy turtle besides you, trying to hide the anguish haunting your mind. With each step you took, you knew that you were walking further and further from a future with the Turtles.

From a future with Donnie. Your mind screamed for you to stop walking. To turn around and run back to the lab, continue working and then nothing will change. You could still be with Donnie. You could still see him in the lab in the morning, sipping his coffee with a warm cup waiting for you. If the retromutagen worked, then you knew that you would never see the turtles in the sunlight again.

They deserved to be out, enjoying the sun and feeling the rays dance on their skin. If the retromutagen was successful, then they would be cast to the shadows.

You gripped the prepped bottle of retromutagen in your hand. You held the power to give life and death, the summit of your life's work all in a bottle. And here you were, debating on whether you should save New York City or the turtles.


The sound of your name being called snapped you back into reality. Donnie had placed a gentle hand on your back, signaling you to pause.

"We're here...." He breathed as you looked up and saw the massive clearing. In the distance, you could see the observatory and your breath caught in your throat.

"Donnie," Your voice shook as you turned to him, "I can't do this. I-I really can't. I need more-"

"Y/n", He interrupted you, placing his hands on both of your shoulders. "You HAVE to do this."

Primum non nocere.

You swallow and nodded. "R-right...I've got this."

He gently reached down and placed a flare gun in your hand, his touch lingering. You knew that it killed him inside just as much.

"Remember the signal?"

You nodded, your hand wrapped tightly around the flare gun.

Leo, Raph, and Mikey had run off in different directions, getting into position.

"Good..." Donatello's eyes searched yours, hesitating. This was your last moments together. "...I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Donatello." Your eyes stung as you held each other in a tight embrace for a moment. You couldn't let him go. You didn't have the strength.

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