Chapter 27 -

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"(y/n)…I’m coming for you.”

Your eyes widened at the sight of Shredder’s steel helmet coming closer to you.

“P-please,” you begged, “D-don’t hurt me.”

A dark chuckle erupted from his throat, “Oh, trust me, getting hurt should be the least of your concerns. I’m going to kill them…all of them, and let you sit in their blood.”

“NO!!” You screamed, holding your ears. You didn’t want to hear his terrible voice.

“(Y/N)!” A familiar voice said as someone shook you awake.

Your eyes shot open to see Striker looking at you, concerned.

“You were dreaming, again.”

Your erratic heart beat tried to slow down, “H-he was there, Striker. I-I saw him.”

Striker’s brown eyes frowned as he gently tilted your head up, “Hey, he’s not here. He can’t hurt you, not as long as I’m around.”

You swallowed thickly as the tears welled up. You saw him everywhere. He was always taunting you, telling you that your friends were going to die. He knew where you were, you were sure of it, and he was just waiting for the right moment to strike. You knew that you had to do something, you couldn’t let anyone get hurt because of you.

Striker sighed, looking at the shaking girl in front of him. Her eyes were downcast and bleak, as if there was no life let in them.

He remembered how vibrant and full of spirit (y/n) was when Shredder first brought her to the lair. At first, she was spunky and always looking on the positive. Surprisingly, he actually…liked it. She was unlike anyone he had ever known. She showed Striker how to enjoy the little things in life to escape the cruel reality overhead, how to laugh, how to genuinely smile…But as the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, those (e/c) orbs slowly dimmed of life. He had tried his best to keep her alive and happy, but he knew that she had broken down on the inside. Shredder could play games with the mind, and (y/n) was just another victim of it. Striker had done his best to protect her, but Shredder knew more than just physical abuse…

“Look at me, (y/n)….” He gently said.

You slowly looked up, your mind still racing.

“You are safe here…I swear that as long as I am here, I will protect you.”

You smiled slightly, your mind temporarily relieved, “Thank you, Striker…”


You raised an eyebrow, a slight smile forming, “What?”

“My name is Benjamin, actually…Ben for short.”

“Oh…well, thank you, Ben.”

He smiled, his brown eyes shining. It had been ages since he heard his name from another’s lips.

“You’re welcome. Now, you were working on the polycarbon containers, correct?”


Donnie leaned against the doorframe, watching Striker and (y/n) work together. He had a slight frown from seeing the incident that had occurred earlier. He had noticed how you were beginning to have flashbacks of being at Shredder’s lair, and it pained him to know that he couldn’t comfort you. He had tried several times to calm you during a nightmare, or to bring you back to reality when you had slipped off in your mind during a test in the lab, but nothing worked. It seemed that only Striker knew how to help…Something wasn’t quite right. Donatello knew that you and Striker had become close while you were in Shredder’s lair, but he still had concerns about the guard. He didn’t like the way Striker could make you laugh, how he would run his fingers through your (h/c) locks to calm you, how he could make you smile…He didn’t like any of it.

“So, are you going to continue to stand there and stare and look like you’re going to murder Striker?” Leo asked from behind him.

Donnie turned around to face his brother, seeing a smirk on the leader’s face.

“I wasn’t staring…”

Leo rolled his eyes, “Yeah, right…it’s okay to be jealous, Donnie.”

The said turtle felt his face flush with heat, “I..I am not jealous.” He quickly walked back to his room.

Leo chuckled and watched his brother flee.


“Agh, this dumb thing!” You shook the hand metal detector in front of you with frustration. You were currently scanning the containers laying around the lair for any traces of metal. You didn’t want to store the retromutagen in something that would eventually destroy it.

Donnie rolled out from underneath the ShellRaiser and chuckled, “Try then hitting it on the table a few times."

You banged it twice on the table, then scanned the canister again. The message read, "100% titanium."

You rolled your eyes in annoyance. There was no way the metal container in front of you was titanuim.

Donatello shrugged and rolled back underneath the vehicle.


You groaned as Mikey burst through the doors, chasing a squealing Emile with a water balloon.

Donatello huffed in annoyance, "Knock it off Mikey! You know the rules, NO WATER BALL-"

The moment he rolled out from the ShellRaiser, a splash of water hit him right in the face.

Donatello huffed. -_-.

You giggled, the first laugh coming from your lips in days.

Donnie's eyes brightened at your laughter and he smiled. It was good to hear your melodic voice happy again...

"What's this? Ooo a cool gun!" Mikey picked up the metal detector and pretended to shoot you.

"Mikey, stop that." You took the detector away and shooed him out, Emile following.

"He'll never learn." Donnie mumbled.

You chuckled and looked down at the scanner. Your heart suddenly dropped. The message read "99.47% bio life, .33% 316 stainless steel."

You knew that was a metal used for surgical implants.

You also knew that Shredder had warned you about a tracking device inserted into you...

And you had forgotten.

As you quickly ran to your room and grabbed your satchel of notes, you hoped that he had too.

Guys do you know how long it took to write this thing? Too long! My computer is acting like a psycho, sorry about the wait. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment, vote, and tell me what you think!

Later Lovelies❤


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