Chapter 23 - Breakthrough

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"Gosh darn it you plastic piece of trash!"

Leo groaned and turned on his side. He glanced at the alarm clock, which read 2. A.M. His eyes were red and sore from a lack of sleep, but it sounded like Donatello didn't care.

The purple masked turtle was banging away on the ShellRaiser, unable to sleep. All he could think about was (y/n). How she was locked away in some dark room, her (e/c) eyes clouded with fear, her soft hands trembling as she nervously played with her (h/c) locks...Everything about her raced through his mind. And there wad nothing Donatello could do about it. Nothing.

They had missed their opportunity to rescue you two weeks ago. The guard scheduled had changed, and now there seemed no way to get to you.

You had been there for 4 weeks nows.

It killed Donnie.

Raph's voice came through the other side of the wall. "Hey, keep it down!!"

Donnie sighed and set the hammer down, wiping the sweat from his brow. He needed to get to you. And soon.

~With You~

"Hey gorgeous. Here's your coffee."

You huffed as you blew a tuff of hair away from your face, "Thanks, Striker."

The ninja smirked and leaned against the wall, watching you scribble away in a notebook. "How's the progress?"

"Slow, and incredibly meticulous."

He chuckled, "Isn't that your favorite?"

"Not when a maniac killer barges in everyday to remind you that death could come at any moment."

Striker's smirk fell, and his face slowly turned serious. "...I'd never let Shredder hurt you, (y/n)."

You paused, not wanting to  lift your eyes from your notes. "How long are you willing to keep the promise?"


You bit your lip as you pretended to take more notes. Striker had grown rather...close, lately. You'd noticed that he was staying later with you, not leaving the lab until you had fallen asleep. He was always watching you, making sure you were safe. Due to the confined conditions, you began to learn more about him, and he you. You knew that he HATED fish, somehow knew how to juggle, and was a whiz at riddles. He somehow knew how to make you laugh, too. Whenever you were stressed from Shredder or working late, he would a crack an extremely corny joke, receiving a giggle or eyeroll in return.

But he wasn't Donnie.

"DR. (Y/N)."

Shredder's rough voice cut through the the moment. You snapped your head up at him, quickly closing your notebook.

"How is your progress?" He demanded.

"I-it's slow, as usual." You mumbled quietly.

His cold eyes narrowed, "I was afraid you'd say that."


You stumbled backwards, holding a hand to your stinging cheek. He slapped you.

"What am I to do to get you to work?" He growled, grabbing your shirt collar and lifting you off your feet.

Striker rushed foward, but two footbots held him back.

You choked and gasped for air, "I-I'm doing as best a-as I can!"

"WELL IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" He slammed you into the wall as his arm blades unsheathed, "I'm tired of waiting."

You winced, "I'm sorry, but there's nothing m-much that I c-can do."

He growled, "Then perhaps I shall teach you a lesson."

Shredder raised his deadly arm, and you braced for certain death, but he suddenly stopped.

"...No." He mumbled, "I have something much better in store for you." He released your collar, and in a flash, was gone.

Striker ran over and examined the bruise on your face, "Are you okay?"

You nodded and smiled slightly, "Just a little dazed...let's get back to work."

He held out a hand and helped you up. Sighing, you walked over to the table. You needed to finish the retromutagen, and soon.

~That night~

"......18....15..." You mumbled, half awake. You had been been working for several hours straight now, and were currently on trial 145..or was it 243? For the retromutagen.

Striker had fallen asleep in the corner, his shaggy black hair covering his browm eyes.

You raised your arm and tucked a strand of frazzled (h/c) hair behind your ear.


Your eyes suddenly widened.


You froze.

This was it

You did it.

You found the retromutagen.

"STRIKER!!!" You screamed. He jolted awake with panicked eyes.

You held up the now empty pedadish, "I DID IT!!!"

He scrambled to his feet and ran over, scanning the dish. "Y-you did," He said, shocked.

Your hands trembled as you quickly scratch done the formula. You had been working on this formula for six months, and had FINALLY found it!

Striker studied the dish closely. "We need to get this out of here before Shredder sees it."

You nodded, and before you could answer, screaming sirens filled the air. You smiled to yourself as one thought filled your mind.


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