Chapter 25 - Home

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You heard Donnie's voice from behind you as you trumped up the stairs, pumping your legs as fast as they could go. Striker was beside you, dragging a terrified Emile along with him.

Further down, you could hear a menacing voice.

"I will not let you escape this time, turtles!"

You shuddered. Tigerclaw.

"Keep going!" Donnie yelled as he urged you along. Your muscled burned from fatigue, yet you pushed on. You couldn't let yourself be captured again, not when you were so close to-


Your eyes widened as you tumbled towards the earth, having tripped over an unseen object. Before you felt the cold ground, you felt two arms lift you up.

"Careful," Striker warned in your ear. He helped you catch your balance as the four of you continued running.

Donnie glanced down, seeing Striker's arm guiding you through the dimly lit hallway. The turtle huffed in annoyance, not liking the way the two of you seemed close. He charged ahead, leading the group towards hopeful freedom.

You eventually reached the top of the staircase where the other 3 turtles were currently fighting off a group of footbots.

"'Bout time, Donnie!" Raph yelled as he quickly demolished another robot.

Donatello rolled his eyes as he engaged a footbot, "I'm here now, alright!? Let's just go!"

Suddenly, you heard a long growling sound. Your eyes widened as you turned to see Tigerclaw cornering you from the others.

"Hello, Dr. (y/n), are you ready to meet your death?" He asked as he whipped out his sword.

You swallowed as you back up against as brick wall, "N-no?"

Emile was hiding behind a box, trying to control the emotions surging through her. She couldn't do this now...not now.

"(y/n)!" Donnie yelled, but he wasn't able to get to you. There were too many of them.

Tigerclaw chuckled darkly and inched closer, but a body slammed into it before any harm could come near you.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Striker yelled as he tackled Tigerclaw.

Your eyes widened as you watched the two of them fight. They were close to the rooftops edge...too close.

Striker struggled against Tigerclaw's strength, and was weakened by the injuries from the feline foe. Even so, he was determined to not let you get hurt. Eventually, he was able to throw him off the roof. His brown eyes met yours before he collapsed to his knees.

"Striker!" You dodged through the swinging weapons in the battle and ran to him.

"Are...are you alright?" He asked between breaths. You nodded as you helped him stand.

Leo finished off another bot, "We need to get out of here, NOW!"

Suddenly, you were whisked onto Donatello's back. You clung to it for life, not wanting to get entangled in the ensuing battle.

The turtles quickly made their way to the next rooftop, Striker not far behind. Emile was currently clinging to Mikey's back, filled with fear.

"Don't worry dudette," he gave her a reassuring smile, "Ol' Mikestar's got ya!"

It was a whirlwind of blades and metal clashing as the turtles fought around you, yet all you could think about was the precious notes you had clutched in your hands. You couldn't lose them.

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