Chapter 20 - Enemies

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"Hey, wake up."

You groaned slightly, opening your eyes slightly only to see darkness.

The gruff voice continued, "I said, WAKE UP!"

A loud bang made you jolt awake, "Okay okay. I'm awake."

A bright light shined in your eyes and you winced, not able to adjust to the contrast.

"Where am I?" You asked.

The figure before you turned off the flashlight and lit a lantern nearby. "You are in your cell."

As the soft light filled the room, you were finally able to see, although not very well without your glasses. In front of you stood Striker; he was the soldier Shredder had assigned to you.

You raised an eyebrow, "Cell? But I thought that I was supposed to be in a la-"

He cut you off, "Well you thought wrong."

You furrowed your brow and studied him. It was hard to read any emotion on his face due to the mask covering his entire head.

"Then what am I supposed to do?"

He shrugged, "Shredder will tell you when he is ready."

You sighed and leaned against the wall, "This is going to get old really fast. I have no notes, no equipment, nothing."

Striker remained silent as he sat on the other side of the bars. He looked at you for a moment, noting your frazzled and confused state.

"I am...sorry."

You looked at him baffled, "For what?"

"About your brother. He did not deserve to die like that. No man should."

"Oh.." You pulled your knees up close to you, "Thank you."

The room remained quiet for a moment.

"...How did you end up here?" You quietly asked.

He studied you for a moment, "I was an orphan at 10, and Shredder recruited me when I was fifteen. I have been here ever since."

" why do you wear a mask?"

He groaned in annoyance, "You talk a lot."

You chuckled, "Only when no one else does. Why don't you want me to see you?"

"Because I'm just too ruggedly handsome, you wouldn't be able to stand it."

You rolled your eyes, "Sure. Prove it."

He shrugged and unwrapped his mask, revealing his face. He had high, smooth cheekbones and deep brown eyes. Long, dark hair adorned his head. In truth, he was rather handsome.

Striker noticed you staring and smirked, "Was my theory correct, Dr. (y/n)?"

You scoffed, "Hardly. There is nothing extraordinary in your physique."

He shrugged and began to retaliate, but then noticed something.

"Your foot.." He said, "it's hurt."

You glanced down, seeing a nasty gash on your left foot and leg. You must've gotten it while confronting Shredder but had just now noticed.

Hints of concern were in Striker's eyes, "It needs attention."

"Yes well unfortunately, I'm not that type of doctor."

He sighed and stood, walking over. "You must never tell Shredder that I did this."

You looked up at him as the cell door swung open, "Did what?"

"...I know someone who can help."

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