Chapter 12 -Kiss

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"Okay, what's your favorite atomic model?"

You smiled and looked up from the notebook you were writing in, "Really? Is that all you've got?"

Donnie shrugged as he mixed two liquids in a beaker, "For now, yes."

"Hmm..." You bit the edge of your pencil, "Definitely the Bohr model. It's much more simple and straightforward."

He nodded, focusing on his experiment, "True, but it's not completely accurate. Your turn."

The two of you had been asking each other questions for a few hours now. There wasn't really need for it, but it helped keep your mind off of the cramped lab and the chaos above.

You thought for a moment as you looked down at your notes, "What is....your favorite color of hair?"

His face turned pink for a moment, thinking to himself, (h/c).

" was once red, but now I'm beginning to like more of a blackish, blondish, brownish, bluish color."

You chuckled lightly, "Ok? You go."

"What is your biggest secret?"

You smiled as you continued writing, "Probably the fact that I never told my dad that I was the one who ran his car into a mailbox. You?"

"Hmm....Never telling Mikey that the moon isn't really made out of cheese."

You laughed, "He still doesn't know?"

Donnie shook his head, "But why should I tell him? His dreams would be crushed."

"Hmm, true." You picked up a red pen, "Least favorite food?"

"...Jellybean pizza." His voice seemed laced with venom.

You chuckled, "Well, thankfully I've never tried that. Mine would definitely pickle popsicles." You shudder with disgust, "Your turn."

He paused, "...What is your one regret?"

You glanced up at him, meeting his spiced brown eyes. He was leaning down to meet your (e/c) orbs, both hands on either side of the desk. You felt your breath leave your body for a moment as the world seemed to stand still. For that one single moment, the earth was silent. Your eyes searched his for a moment before you finally spoke.

"...Never telling my father goodbye....yours?"

He glanced down at your blush colored lips, then up to your eyes once again, "...being too afraid to tell someone how I feel..."

You continued to search his eyes, "...It's never too late, Donatello."

Something shaded his eyes as he pulled away, "No, it is. Besides," he turned back to his experiment, "Why would anyone want to be with me? I'm a freak of science, (y/n). People run when they see my face; they don't even give me a chance."

You frowned slightly, "...I'm here. I'm not running."

He shrugged, his back turned to you as he began to carefully pour a liquid onto a sample dish, "Yes, but you have no other choice."

"Donnie." You placed your soft, (s/c) hand over his calloused green one. His brown eyes met yours once again.

"...Sometimes, we think people are running from us...when in reality, we're the ones running away..."

He remained silent, setting down his beaker.

"Why are you running?" You quietly asked.

He looked down, his voice cracking as he finally spoke, "I...I don't know. Probably because I've been burnt before."

You slowly pull your hand away and lean against the table, "We've all gone through difficult things in life, Donnie...but you can't let them keep you from living."'

He glanced at you, his voice now soft, "Then what are you running from?"

You bit your lip and looked down, "To be honest,...myself. Everyone expects me to be this glorified scientist but in reality," you gazed back up at him, "I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time...I'm just Dr. (y/l/n)'s daughter, nothing more...No one would want me if they knew who I truly was..."

Donnie stepped in front of you, trapping your body in between the desk and him. His eyes were fixed upon you as he gently tucked a loose strand of (h/c) hair behind your ear.

"No..." He softly whispered, his breath falling on your cheeks and nose, "You are so much more than that, (y/n). You're beautiful, spunky, talented, smart..." His palm nestled your cheek, "Your laugh is amazing, and I...I love it when you smile. And I, for one, like you much better than Dr. (y/l/n)...I wouldn't trade working with you for the world."

Your cheek went hot against his hand. Your tongue seemed glued to the roof of your mouth as you struggled to speak, " don't mean that..."

He leaned his face in close, his lips bumping against yours as he spoke, "Don't I?"

Your heart rate picked up as his eyes never left yours. Surely now he was going to tell you how he felt. To tell you those three words you had longed to hear. He MUST feel the same way about you that you did with him. All those long hours in and out of the lab, they must have meant something to him too. You had never felt close to anyone before, but now, it was like the two of you had known each other for a lifetime. SURELY he thought the same!

Donnie faltered as he studied you, taking in the beautiful color of your eyes and skin. He wanted so desperately to tell you what was pressing on his mind. That he lo-

"(y/n)...." He whispered, an urge in his voice.


His thumb grazed over your soft lips, "I-I....I lo-"


Mikey's voice sent the two of you crashing away from each other. The turtle stood in the doorway, holding a pepperoni pizza in the air, "I hope you're hungry, 'cuz this is going to be AWESOME!!!"

Donnie glared at him with fire in his eyes, "GET. OUT!!!"

He shrugged, "Fine fine, just come whenever you're ready."

Mikey waltzed away, humming a tune as he walked to the kitchen. You shakily picked up your pencil and notebook, holding them close.

"I-I should go, I have a few things that I need to look up." You quickly scurried out of the room, your face a bright red.

Donnie watched you leave, a saddened look on his face.

See?! He angrily thought, You scared her off! Great job, Donatello. Real smooth.


DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO WRITE THIS?? Seriously, I rewrote the darn thing 5 times....I hope you liked though!😁😁 and if you have any ideas for the next chapter, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Just dm me and we can talk!

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