Forever - Oneshot - Fluff

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Hey guys! Here's a quick little one shot for ya.😄 In it, you are 20-22, and have been dating Donnie for about 3 years now. The next chapter will be up soon!

Later lovelies,

- OnlyFoolsLove

You sighed happily as you curled up in the two big, green arms that surrounded you. Donnie had his head buried in your (h/c) locks, taking in your sweet scent.

The two of you were curled up on the couch next to the TV, simply enjoying each other's presence. You had been gone for a few weeks due to a work meeting in L.A. and had just gotten home last night. Donnie, of course, was ecstatic that you had finally returned. He had peppered your face with hundreds of kisses as soon as you had stepped in the door.

You bit your lip as you shift to your side, wondering how you were going to tell Donnie about the impending news. You were a secretary to the CEO of one of the leading companies in New York, and after he had saw how glamrous L.A. was, he decided to move his headquarters out there...meaning that you would go with him, while your precious Donnie would stay here in New York City.

Your thoughts were soon forgotten as Donatello planted a light kiss on your lips, enrapturing you back into the simplicity of the moment.

You smiled, staring into those spice brown eyes. You loved him. Yet you had to leave him.

"I missed you," he whispered softly, mumbling against your lips,  "more than Bromine misses it's final valence electron."

You chuckled slightly. Leave it to Donnie to find something chemical about love. He was such an adorable nerd.

"Yes well, Bromine can be a bit explosive at times."

He shrugged, "Not when paired with the right elements." He lightly kissed the top of your forehead. "I love you, (y/n)."

"I-I love you too, Donnie."

The turtle picked up on your stammering, "Is everything okay?"

You nodded slightly.

He raised an eyebrow, studying you for a moment before standing up and walking into his lab. He returned a moment later, holding a box in his hand.

"I made this for you while you were gone."

He slowly opened it, and you gasped at the contents inside the box.

"D-donnie, it's beautiful

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"D-donnie, it's beautiful."

He smiled sheepishly and took the ring out of the box, "I-I know that it's not very expensive - it's hard to find precious gems when you live in the sewers - but, I-I hope that you'll like it. I-it's not an engagement ring! M-more like, a promise ring..."

You smiled at his stammering. You could tell that he was nervous, yet it was adorable. Your heart was utterly his.

"I love it...and you, Hamato Donatello."

You lifted your hand and he slowly slid the amethyst ring over your finger. You glanced down at it, loving the way it shimmered in the light.

"....What is the promise that comes with this ring?" You quietly asked.

"That I will never, not in a million years, leave you or stop loving you. I am yours, (y/n), forever."

You felt a hot tear slip down your cheek as you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his plastron. You felt his strong arms emcase you.

I have to tell sadly thought. There was no way around it. You needed this job, desperately, and the only way to keep it was to follow your boss to L.A.

"Donnie," you started softly, your voice muffled through his chest, "What if I were to...say, move away. Far away. Would you be okay with that?"

His brow furrowed in confusion, "To be honest with you, no. I'd miss you terribly, but if that were to be something you wanted to do - which will hopefully not be true - then who am I to stand in your way?"

You sighed softly, snuggling close to him.

He looked down at you, "Why do you ask?"


You couldn't tell him now. Not now.

It's Chemical {Donnie x Reader} (Donatello x Reader) (TMNT x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now