Chapter 17 - Secrets

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"Sir, we must leave NOW. We cannot wait any longer for you."

A figure in a white lab coat straightened up from his microscope and scribbled furiously in the notebook next to him, "Matthew, I'm so close. I'm not leaving until I have results."

The lab assistant sighed and walked over, slamming the notebook shut. "James, If we do not leave," he warned, "You could be killed."

James shoved his sandy blonde hair over the top of his head and focused his (e/c) eyes on the specimen in front of him, "One death for millions to live."

"But what about your father? What about (y/n)? She could still be out there."

James' head snapped up at the mention of his sister's name, "Then let's hope I find the formula in time to save her."

"If you stay here, you WILL be killed. What good will that do?"

He sighed and glanced over at his microscope, tapping his pencil on the desk impatiently. "...Fine. We'll leave at dawn, but I'm taking my petri dishes with me."

Matthew rolled his eyes in annoyance, "You can get ten of those for like three dollars, I wouldn't waste room with them."

The biologist was busy cramming his notebooks and papers into a bag, "When the world is on the brink of the apocalypse, they're hard to come back. Now hand me that flask of sulfuric acid."
(Let's have a little challenge😄. If you can tell me what sulfuric acid is commonly used for, I'll put you or any character you'd like in the next chapter! Just comment the answer! I will dm the winner.)

The lab assistant ran a hand through his graying hair and sighed, "Just hurry up."

Before James could reach the flask, a loud siren sounded. The lights instantly went off, and all that could be heard was a loud banging on the lab's door.




Matthew's eyes grew wide with terror, "SIR, I'm sorry but we must leave NOW. They're here!!"

He grabbed ahold of James' wrist and tugged him towards the door. James went to push the metal door open, but an imprint of a huge fist slammed into the metal made him freeze.

"S-shredder..." Matthew screeched.

James whirled around and scanned the dark room, looking for a way to escaped. He spotted a window in the far back of the room, but the fall would kill him. There was no way out.


The two doors slammed opened, revealing an iron clad man leading a mutant army.

James scrambled alongside the wall, glaring as Shredder made his way towards him. He could smell the poignant scent of ash...and blood.

"Ah, Dr. (L/n), I've been looking for you." His low voice rasped.

James' eyes narrowed, "I can see that. Next time, try knocking."

Shredder growled a chuckled, smirking beneath his steel mask, "You have as much gut as your sister. " He glanced around the room, "I see that you have been working on a little project."

"Yes. I'd prefer not to talk about it."

He turned his stern eye back towards the trembling scientist in front of him, "I'm in need of your services, Dr. (l/n). If you agree to help, I'll reward you handsomely."

James glared, "You'd have to kill me first."

Shredder roared and pinned him against the wall, keeping a firm gripped on his neck. "That can be arranged." He hissed.

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