Chapter 18 - Trap

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Glass crunched underneath your feet as you, Donnie, and April walked through the abandoned hallways of the forgotten lab. Memories of your brother and father came flooding back to you as you glanced around, taking in the familiar sight. Despite the circumstances, it felt...good, to be back.

Suddenly, April's T-phone went off.

Leo's voice came from the line, "April! We need your help on the roof. There's a few Purple Dragons up here."

She sighed in annoyance and tucked away her phone, "It looks like those idiotic thugs are at it again. I've got to go help, meet us on the roof in 15 minutes."

You nodded, and she disappeared down the hallway.

Donnie held a lantern, allowing you to see in the darkened rooms. "So," he said, "How much further?"

"Just behind here," You answered as you pushed two heavy doors open, revealing a destroyed lab room. Your eyes widen as you looked in shock. Tables and lab stations were torn to shreds, broken vials scattered the floor and mixed in with the scraps of paper. You glanced over the piles of paper, seeing a familiar notebook.

"Here," You picked it up, "This is it."

Donatello kept a wary watch on the door, "Good, know let's get out of here."

You nodded and stepped forward, only to place your foot in something sticky and wet. You glanced down, seeing your feet surrounded by a puddle of a red liquid. A trail of blood led behind your father's overturned desk.

You bit your lip and stepped towards it, but Donnie's hand stopped you. "Don't..." he warned.

You pushed past him, "I want to see."

Behind the desk, a limp body laid before you. Blonde, shaggy hair covered the owner's face. Your eyes widened as you recognized who those ash locks belonged to...It was-

"JAMES!" You cried and ran over, kneeling before him. He let out a slight groan as you grasped his hand. "I-it's going to be okay!" You said frantically.

Donnie's face showed concern as he knelt beside you, examining the fatal wound in James' side.

"Tell me there's something that we can do!" You begged, your eyes pleading with Donatello's.

For the first time ever, Donnie did not have an answer.

His silence only confirmed the fear in your mind: James was dying, and there was nothing that could be done.

"(y/n)," James said between haggard breaths, "y-you need to get out of here."

"NO," tears welled up in your eyes as you turned back to your brother, "I-I'm not leaving you; everything is going to be okay, you'll see. W-we'll take you back to the lair a-and h-help you."

"Please," his voice was weak and faint, "Shredder is coming for you. Just stay safe...I'"

You desperately wiped away the tear threatening to fall down your face. "Please," you rasped, "Come with us."

A slight smile appeared on your brother's face, "You just...never know... when to quit, do you? It's...too late, for me...."

You shook your head and pressed his bloody hand against your face, "I-I'm not leaving you."

His (e/c) eyes looked at you for one last moment, "...I love you, sis."

"I l-love you too."

"I know..." The faint smile on James' face slowly faded, and his bright (e/c) eyes closed for the last time.

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