Chapter 7 - Stargazing

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After working nonstop in the lab, you finally decided to take a break and continue working in the morning. You were running low on mutagen, but Donatello had promised to get some as soon as he could.

You yawned and took your hair down, plopping on the couch in front of the TV and fiddling with the bandage around your left hand. It had been a couple of weeks since the accident in the lab, and your hand had begun to heal nicely.   Michaelangelo was in the kitchen, singing to himself as he cooked up some weird concoction. You smiled slightly, hearing him belt out the lyrics to a random song. Donatello was still working on the Razor, while Ralph was in his room and Leonardo was meditating – as usual. Not finding anything interesting on TV, you made your way to the kitchen, seeing Michaelangelo dance around as he mixed something in a bowl.

You giggled, your tired eyes shining as you watched him spin.

Mikey heard you and whirled around, smiling. "Hey Doc!"

You chuckled, "What are you making?"

"Um, I'm not that sure yet. I think it's going to be a combination of leftover pizza toppings, an old apple, and moldy cheese that I found in a dumpster nearby! Wanna try it??" He eagerly shoved a spoonful up to your face.

You smiled nervously, "U-um, maybe later."

He shrugged and continued mixing, "Whatever you say dudette."

You smiled slightly, glancing at the clock to see that it was almost 10 p.m., and got an idea. Hopefully it would help prevent you from eating Mikey's weird creation.

"Hey Mikey,"


"There's supposed to be a lunar eclipse tonight, have you ever seen one?"

"Ummm...that involves,.....lunch, right?"

You chuckled, "Not quite. Follow me."

"Okay! I'll work on my master piece later."
You cringed as he sat down the bowl and followed you out of the lair.

~30 minutes later~

"WOWWW", Mikey ooo-ed and aaa-ed as the bright moon slipped behind the earth for a few minutes.

You smiled slightly and leaned back on your hands. The two of you had found the perfect spot on the rooftop of an abandoned building, giving you a clear view of the eclipse.

"So, uh, what exactly is happening?" Mikey asked as he chomped away on a spare piece of pizza, "Like, how does the moon do that??"

You chuckled, "Well, every so often, the moon slips into perfect alignment with the earth, which is what is happening right now."


You smiled slightly and continued watching, taking in the beautiful view. With the city in the midst of chaos for 5 years, most of the power in New York had gone out, letting hundreds of stars shine through the night sky.

Suddenly, you felt something brush up against your side. You glanced over to see Donatello sitting beside you.

He grinned softly, his gap showing, "Sorry...I heard you guys talking in the kitchen, and thought that I needed a break from working in that stuffy lab."

You chuckled, "It's fine..."

Mikey laid out on the rooftop, stretching his arms, "Doc here was telling me about the lunic eclipse."

"Lunar eclipse," Donnie corrected.

"Right, that."

You chuckled, "I was telling him about how it happens..."

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