Chapter 21 - Help

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"You have got to be kidding me!!"

You looked in shock at the room before you.

Striker sighed as he closed the door behind him, "I'm sorry, but these orders come directly from Shredder."

You groaned as you glanced over the upturned tables and rusted machines. This wasn't a lab. This was a junkyard.

"Well you better tell Shredder that I refuse to work in such conditions."

"He won't like that."

"I don't care!" You snapped back. "There's no possible way I can do my research here."

"Shredder's research," He corrected.


You sighed as you sat on a half broken chair and rested your head on your heads. You had had such a flawless plan worked out, but now everything was ruined. You 'agreed' to work on Shredder's supermutagen or whatever, but only on the condition that you were allowed to work in your own lprivate ab. That way you would be able to work on the retromutagen without anyone else noticing. Shredder complied, and somehow you were now shoved into this messpile.

Striker glanced around, the room was truly disgusting. He walked over to an upturned table, scanning it for a moment before flipping it right side up.

You looked over, seeing him begin to pick up the room. "Striker, it's no use."

He didn't answer, continuing to clean.

"Striker," you said louder, now standing, "It won't make a difference!"

He paused and looked up at you, "It will when you find the retromutagen."

Your eyes widened slightly, "But, how did you know abo-"

"I'm not stupid, Dr. (y/n). I've known your plan this entire time."

You grew worried, causing you to chew at your lip. "Does Shredder know?"

"No, and as long as you keep your head down, he won't."

You relaxed as you picked up a pile of papers. "Thank you," you quietly said.

He replied silently with a nod, continuing to help.

~Somewhere nearby~

"Leo, this is never going to work."

The turtle glanced over a building's edge, "Yes it will, you just have to trust me."

Donnie sighed as he scribbled in a notebook, "With the amount of soldiers and workers that Shredder has, they need a shipment of food about every 3 days."

Leo nodded, continuing to scan the loading dock below them. "Correct, which means they'll be expecting another one tomorrow evening. That's when we'll be able to sneak in and get Dr. (y/n) out of there."

Donatello clasped his notebook closed. Even the mention of your name made his heart stop for a moment. He couldn't bear the thought of you alone with Shredder. You had no way to defend yourself.

"It's not soon enough," he mumbled. "Shredder could change his mind and kill her, or even mutate her. "

"Donnie." Leo placed a hand on his shoulder, "Until another shipment comes in, there's no way we can get in. We just have to wait."

Donnie sighed and glanced down at your glasses in his hand, "Right...we have to wait."

~Late that night~

"37 pepitide chains...ugh, no. 38?"

You peered through the microscope, your vision going in and out as you strained to see. Everything was blurry without your glasses, but there was nothing you could do about it.

Striker leaned sleepily against the wall, watching you work. He yawned and stretched his arms. "Maybe you'll be able to focus more when you've gotten some sleep. It's like2 a.m."

You shook your head as you scribbled in a notebook, blinking hard. "The sooner I get this done, the quicker I get out of here."

"Yeah well that's still going to be a while."

Before you could answer, the door slammed open, revealing Shredder.

You quickly closed your notebook and faced him, "I thought I was allowed privacy to work."

Shredder studied you, "You are."

"Then please, leave. I can't concentrate if I am threatened every time I breathe."

He smirked and walked over, gently taking a hold of your chin. "Don't you like me?"

You froze and narrowed your eyes, "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me."

Shredder laughed as he cupped your cheek with his rough hand. "You are a fiesty one," he leaned in close, whispering in your ear, "but I like a challenge."

Your eyes widened and you slapped him. Hard.

He growled and threw you to the ground. You winced as you saw him loom over you, knowing what was coming next. Shredder raised his hand to slap you, but before he could, Striker caught his fist.

Shredder glared, "Let go of me, boy."

He shook his head, "Sir, my orders are to protect Dr. (y/n) at all costs. This includes you."

Shredder took a step back and looked at you sharply, "I'll be back for you."

You swallowed, and with a flash, Shredder was gone.

Striker knelt beside you, "Are you alright?"

You nodded as you slowly sat up, "Y-yes. Thank you."

He nodded and gently brushed a lock of hair away from your face, "Anytime."

Donnie does that, you quietly thought.
Does even think about me anymore?

~With Donnie~

"345,600 seconds. 5,760 minutes. 96 hours. Or 4 days."

Ralph raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at his brother, who was furiously writing.

"Uh, you okay?"

Donatello waved a hand in dismissal, "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Really? 'cuz you definitely don't seem like it."

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, "To be honest, no, I'm not. I can't stop worrying about (y/n). What if she's hurt? What if she's in trouble?! What if she's dea- UGH!!" He threw his notebook on the ground, "I can't even think straight without her!"

Raphael laughed, "Wow. I can't believe that you don't see it."

"See what?"

"That you love her." He crossed his arms behind his head, "Maybe even more than Mikey loves pizza."

Donatello sighed and put his head in his hands, "....I do love her. And I'm going to get her back."

Hey guys! Sorry, this was a little short:\ anyways, please vote and tell me what you think!

Thank you lovelies,

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