Chapter 24 - Finally

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"SIR!!!" Tigerclaw scrambled up the steps to his master's iron throne, "Th-the turtles are here!!"

Shredder was currently pacing back and forth. "I know that, you fool," he coolly replied.

Tigerclaw raised an eyebrow at the Footclan's leader's compsure, "Then...shall I send the footbots after them?"

Shredder paused, staring out the window at the murky, apocalyptic New York skyline.

"Yes," he finally replied, "but I want you to retrieve or kill Dr. (y/n). Make sure that her innards stain the floor, or bring her to me...alive. No matter what, do not let her leave with the turtles."

Tigerclaw nodded and bowed, "As you wish, Master."

Shredder continued to stare out the window as his student left. "...I know what you have been hiding, (y/n), and I won't let you get away with it."

~With you~

The sirens blazed in your ears as your scrambled to gather your papers.

"(y/n), we have to leave NOW!" Striker yelled over the noise.

You shook your head furiously as you shoved wads of paper into a bag, "I need these! You go get Emile!! We'll meet up at the stairway, the turtles should be there in a few moments!"

Striker glanced anxiously at you before he took off.

You continued to shove scraps of notes into your bag. You needed every bit of it to recreate the retromutagen - The salvation of New York...and the world.

You glanced around and reached for a carbon-based elements notebook, only to have two strong arms grab you. Your eyes widened and you tried to scream, but a rough hand clamped over your mouth.

Then, you heard an oh so familiar voice.

"It's only me."


He released you, only to have you throw your arms around his neck and hug him close.

"Y-you came back for me," you choked out.

Donatello wrapped his arms around you, burying his face into your neck.

"I could never leave you....I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. We've tried countless times to get to you, and I can't believe that a plan finally worked."

For some weird, crazy reason, you finally broke down. You let out all the pinned up emotion from the last few weeks, sobbing into his chest.

Donnie's eyes grew concerned as he softly stroked your soft (h/c) locks. He couldn't believe it: he finally had you once again.

"Here," he gently slipped on your big, round glasses onto your face. Your cries stifle for a moment as you realized that you were finally able to see clearly once again.

You looked up at him with wide eyes, "B-but I thought that my glasses were gone when Shredder-"

"I came back to that area practically every single moment I could...I found them the third or fourth time I was there."

You smiled slightly, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your lab coat, "Th-thank you, Donnie."

He gave you a lopside grin, gently wiping away a stray tear off your cheek. His soft breath fell upon your face as he leaned in, taking in your every feature. He finally had you. After all those countless hours of planning and preparing, numerous sleepless nights, and that nerve wracking feeling he had 24/7 in his mind, he had finally found you.

"Anything for you."

You hugged him close again, relieved to hear his voice crystal clear. To be honest, you didn't think that you could've made it another day in this cursed lair. Shredder had pushed you to the breaking point, and you almost cracked. Just to feel Donnie next to you again was ecstatic. You felt alive again.

Then, something happened that no one would've guessed.

Donnie kissed you....

You didn't hesitate to return it.

It started off sweet and simple, as if two lovers had reunited after a few days apart, but it quickly grew more passionate and emotion filled.

You felt fire dance on your lips as Donnie cupped your head with his rough, gentle hand. Oh, how you had longed for this! And it was finally here.

Inside Donnie's mind:



She'll kill me!

But then again, she's kissing me back...

She's so...beautiful, in every single way. What does she see in a guy like me?


Oh crap, oh crap.


Two voices pushed you apart, and you turned your head to Striker. He held the hand of the very timid Emile.

You bit your lip, "Striker, this is Donatello."

Striker nodded slightly before turning to the door, "Let's just go."

You grab your bag and run out the door with the others, the taste of Donnie's soft kiss still on your lips.

Little beknowst to you, a certain tiger was hot on your trail.

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