Chapter 5 - Learning

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It had been a few days since you were rescued by the turtles, and you were beginning to get used to their crazy lives. They had taught you how to loosen up a little, and to have fun when you need it. You, however, were still focused on your work in the lab. Your research with Donnie was going slowly, but he didn't seem to mind. He was always eager to get in the lab and continue your work.

You sat on the floor crisscrossed as you watched the brothers train with Master Splinter. Donnie had convinced you to take a break from the lab, mainly so that you could watch him train, but he told you that you needed to clear your mind for a while. You didn't put up much of fight; he was right. You did need a break, and now was good as a time as any.

You leaned against the wall and smiled slightly to yourself as Ralph tossed Mikey up into the air like a sack of potatoes.

"Ow!" The injured turtle cried.

Donnie rolled his eyes and smirked, "You big baby."

You laugh slightly, causing him to smile.


You look up to see Splinter standing in front of you.

"U-um, yes sir?" You squeaked out.

He stroked his long beard for a moment, studying you, "Since you have obviously been attacked by Shredder's mercenaries before, it would be wise for you to learn self defense."

Your eyes widened through your big, round glasses, "U-uh...I really don't know how to do much of that.... I have a PhD in Chemistry and Biology, not in self defense."

"That it why I said learn, not teach. We do not know when Shredder could attack again, or if you will be alone when he comes after you. Donnie will be your teacher."

A drop of sweat appeared on the turtle's face, "Um..right! O-of course, Sensei."

Splinter nodded, "You may begin tomorrow. Come to me if you have any questions."

With that, Master Splinter quietly left the room, leaving you and the four brothers alone.

You bit your lip, "I'll get started in the lab. Come whenever you're ready Donatello."

You quickly exited, not quite ready for a self defense lesson just yet. You weren't exactly the 'ninjitsu' type of girl. From down the hall, you could hear Donatello's brothers teasing him. You rolled your eyes, a slight smile on your face, and walked into the lab, out of earshot.

"Ooooo," Mikey chirped, "Donnie's gonna teach his girlfriend!"

Donatello quickly swept his bo staff underneath Mikey's face, causing him to fall down.

"Mikey!" he harshly whispered, "We talked about this!"

Leo smirked and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow, "What? That your infatuated with (y/n)?"

Donnie stared at him blankly, "I don't know what you're talking about. (Y/N) is a brilliant woman, with an incredible sense of science, but I don't expect you guys to know what that means. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

He quickly left, with his brothers staring after him.

Ralph watched with a raised eyebrow, "...Do you think he'll ever realize it?"

Leo shook his head, "Donnie is...well...practical, he looks at everything through an analytical point of view...I doubt that he'll ever get out of his head and into his heart."

Bored with the conversation, Mikey had gone to the living room and flipped on the TV.

"Um, g-guys," he said nervously, "You might want to see this."

Leo walked over and leaned on the back of the couch, watching as a new report played.

"Thousands more in New York have been infected with the strange mutation, rising the death toll even higher. If something does not stop this danger soon, all hope will be lost."

~The Next Day~

"AH!" You dropped your weapon in pain, holding your left hand. Donnie had been trying to teach you a simple move for hours now, but you were making no progress.

"Sorry, sorry." He mumbled and walked over, "Perhaps we should work on something else."

You bit your lip and looked up, "Like what?"

"Well, um....stretching is always a great place to start. It'll help loosen up your muscles."

You inwardly frowned, knowing that he had given up on you.

"Maybe Master Splinter can help?" You suggest.

A slight panicked look appeared on Donatello's face, "U-um, he really can't."

You looked slightly confused, "Why not?"

"Sensei is, well, a 'spiritual form.'...H-he died about 6 years ago...He really just comes and goes as he pleases."

You looked at him completely confused.

He sighed, "I'll just try explain it some other time...Anyways, just follow me."

"Okay," You quietly said and sat him, copying his actions.

He stretched out his legs in front of him, grabbing his ankles. You did the same, except that you could only reach midway down your calf at this point.

"Good, be sure to keep your appendages straight, you want to stretch your semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles as far as possible; it'll help when you go to kick."

You smile slightly, "You know Donnie, you don't have to use every scientific term around me...I know what you're saying."

He chuckled, "Sorry...I'm just not used to having someone who can actually understand what I say. I usually have to 'dumb things down' for the guys."

You nod. After a few minutes of stretching, Donatello stood back up.

"Let's just try to do one stance, and we'll see how that goes."

You stood back up and tried to get into a similar position as Donnie's, but you couldn't quite keep your balance, making you fall back down to the ground. You groaned and stood once again, "I don't think I'll ever be able to do this."

He chuckled lightly and walked over to you, "Put your arm about 60 degrees lower-," his hand slid over yours, helping to get it into position, "-and bring your torso forward." You felt a gentle pressure on your back, leaning you forward.

"There," he quietly said, "You're ready."

"Ready for what?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

He stood in front of you, "Hit me."

Your eyes widened, "Excuse me?"

"Go on, give me your best punch. If you want to be able to defend yourself, you need to-"

He was quickly interrupted as your fist connected with his jaw, causing the turtle to go flying back into a wall. For some reason, it was like all of the anger concerning your father and Shredder that you had kept pinned up suddenly moved through your body, causing you to slam your fist into Donatello.

"Donatello!" You cried and ran over, "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you."

He groaned and sat up, rubbing his jaw with a smirk on his face, "Now THAT is what I call self defense."

You chuckled and kneeled down, "Let me see." You softly pulled his hand away, examining the damaged you had done. His jaw was beginning to swell, black and blue mixing in with his green skin. His brown eyes looked at you as you scanned him over.

"It'll bruise some, but it's nothing too serious. I'll go get you an ice pack." You finally said and stood back up, "Wait here."

"No problem," He said as he watched you leave, a grin on his face.


Hey guys!:D How do guys think this story is going so far? Please let me know!

Later Lovelies


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