Chapter 22 - Dream

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Black. Fuzzy. You couldn't see clearly. You loathed it. It was as if you had gone blind, yet everything was visible.

"I HATE THIS!!" You screamed, banging on the steel door in front of you. There was no way out of the cursed lab; you were trapped. Caged. Locked. Ensnared. Whatever you wanted to call it. It was horrible.

"LET ME OUT!!" You continued to slam your fist on the door in front of you, but it was to no avail. No one cared.

It seemed like you had been in here forever. You were beginning to go slightly mad, hating the way you were trapped in these four walls.

A stir from the slumped figure made you glance over. Striker was still sound asleep, used to your little tirades late at night.

You sighed and slid down towards the ground, hanging your head in defeat. There was no way out of here, and there was no way that you could work with the equipment Shredder had given you. You were stuck.

You rubbed your sore eyes. They were raw and stung from straining to see without your glasses - which had been abandoned the night you were dragged from your brother's body and shoved into this terrible place.

Before a fresh set of tears fell, you felt two strong arms wrap around you. Glancing up, you saw Donnie's warm smile.

"D-donnie?" You squeaked as you wiped your nose on your lab coat.

He chuckled as he slid your glasses over your nose, "Miss me?"

You nodded and looked up at him, "You have no idea."

He glanced around the lab and frowned, "Why aren't you working? I thought that this is what you loved to do?"

You groaned and buried your head in your knees, "It was, at one time. Now I hate it. I-I can't work here Donnie!! Nothing is organized o-or even functional! There's not even a FORCEP here or even a stupid graduated cylinder!!! I had those things when I was 3! 3, Donnie!!"

He chuckled and cupped your cheek in his rough, gentle hand, lifting your head up to meet his brown spice eyes.

His voice suddenly turned soft, "You are an amazing woman, Dr. (y/n). You can do this. I would place my life in your hands."

You glanced down, "I-I don't know...the science behind the retromutagen is impossible. I don't even know where to-"

Suddenly, he did something that you never would have excepted. He kissed you, right then and there. It was light and sweet, yet passionate and filled with yearning. Your eyes widened for one split second, but then you quickly melted into it. You had waited so long for this moment, and it was beautiful. He was so gentle with you, almost as if he was afraid you'd break with one wrong move.  You never wanted to leave this...

All too soon, it was over.

"(y/n)," He mumbled against your lips, "You can do it for me."

You nodded. "I will," you answered breathlessly, "I'll find it."


You jolted awake, looking to see that Striker had dropped another text book on the table. Your vision was once again blurry from the lack if glasses. You felt drool dribble down your chin as you yawned and scratched your (h/c) head.

Striker chuckled and sat in front of you, crossing his black boots on the desk. "Sleeping again?"

"When else can I?" you retorted.

He shrugged, "Shredder expects a report in the morning, love. You better be reading."

"Don't call me love."

"Anything you say, darling."

You groaned and rolled your eyes, a slight smile playing at your lips. "Just go get to work."

He smirked and stood, "Right away."

It was all a quietly thought. Disappointed filled your heart, but determination quickly replaced it. I can do this, Donnie. For you.

Annnnddd I'm back! Sorry for the delay guys:\ my life has been a bit hectic lately! But it's calmed down now, so be prepared for updates galore!😄😄

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Later lovelies,

- OnlyFoolsLove

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