Chapter 26 - Warning

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"(y/n)," a soft voice cooed into your ear.

You smiled in your sleep and buried your face deep into the pillow beneath you. It had been ages since you slept like this.

"Come on, it's time to wake up."

You yawned and opened your eyes, seeing your childhood bedroom surround you. Pink walls with white lace curtains filled the room – they were your mother's decorations. Instead of fairy tales books filling your bookshelves, your library consisted of chemical compound puzzles and physics experiments – the touch of your father.

Rubbing your sleepy eyes, you slowly sat up. Distant voices came from the living room; they were most likely your brother, James, and your father discussing their latest discovery of the beetle outside. Your mother obviously hadn't found out yet, for she would've quickly shooed them and their creepy crawlies outside. You smiled to yourself and stretched. Then, something caught your (e/c) eye.

Beside your bed laid a box, which you cautiously placed a hand on. It was made of metal, having the word "Poenitet" written on it. You raised an eyebrow inquisitively as you slowly opened the lock. Nothing happened. Taking a shaky breath, you quickly flung it open.

Without warning, a murky, dark shadow spilled out from the inside and surrounded you, locking you in darkness. You frantically stood, trying to fight your way out of it.

"(y/n)..." a deep voice grumbled.

"Where am I??" You cried. You didn't like this. You were alone. In the dark.

"Help!" You called out as you ran, yet seemed to stay in place.

"Umph!" You tripped over something. Glancing down, you saw your brother James laying on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding him.

"JAMES!!" You knelt beside him.

He gasped for breath, wincing with every movement. "Th-there is no hope left."

"N-no!" You stated, holding his head in your lap, "I-I can save you! Just hang on!"

He laughed sadly, raising a bloody hand to your cheek, "It will never be enough. You are not enough."

Your hot tears mixed with the blood left on your cheek as his hand fell from you, never to be lifted again.

"I-I failed you," you whispered through your sobs.


You froze. You knew that all so familiar voice.

"Father??" You spun around, meeting his eyes. His face was filled with terror as his eyes met something behind you.

"R-run," he rasped.


He fell to the ground, a gunshot wound in his chest.

"NO!" You screamed, desperately trying to reach him, but something held you back.

"You will never be enough," the dark voice rumbled, "You couldn't save your family, and you will never save the city."

"S-stop!" You screamed, holding your hands over your ears. You tried to stop your tears, but there was not use. Perhaps you would drown in them.

"Look at me." A rough hand forced your head to jolt upwards. You gazed into the eyes of Shredder- the terrible man who had caused all your pain.

From far away, you heard a voice call your name. "(y/n)." But Shredder's steel gaze captured your complete attention.

"Even if you find the retromutagen, you will NEVER be able to save your friends." He spat, clenching your jaw tighter with his iron grip, "I won't relent on hunting them down until every single last one of them is cold and dead. There is no salvation for them. Return to me though, and I shall let them live. The choice is yours."



Your eyes shot open. You laid in a pool of cold sweat, your (h/c) locks sticking to your skin.

"(y/n), it's just a dream."

You turned your head to see Donnie hovering over you, worry etched all over his eyes. Dear, precious Donnie...the Donnie that Shredder wanted dead.

"It's okay...I'm here," He said softly as he brushed away the tears slipping down your cheeks. "Nothing can harm you while I'm here."

"D-donnie..." you croaked, holding your arms out. He quickly embraced you and let you empty your heart of the sobs it had been holding back. His heart broke to see you like this. He could only imagine the things Shredder had done to you while you worked for him.

After a few minutes, your salty tears slowly faded.

"I-I'm sorry," you whispered.

"No," Donnie replied as he stroked your soft hair, nuzzling your neck, "I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you sooner. But I swear, that if Shredder EVER even looks at you again, I'll rid his face of that stupid smirk once and for all."

You felt his body tremble with anger as he spoke, but a voice lingered in the back of your mind.

"Return to me, and I shall let them live."

"Thank you..."

He looked at you, "For what?"

"For...for just being you."

He smiled slightly, kissing your forehead. "I will never let you get hurt, (y/n). I swear it."

You buried your face in his chest. Even though he spoke those words, the both of you knew that there was no hiding from Shredder's wrath. He would find you, eventually.

But, you couldn't let Donnie or the others get hurt. You knew what you had to do.

"...I'm coming, Shredder."

Phew! That was a bit dark, sorry.😅 But I will be uploading a fluffy oneshot within the next few hours to make it up to y'all. I hope that you liked it this chapter! Please be sure to comment and vote, I love hearing from you guys. Also, thank you so much for 3.6k views!! Honestly, that blows my mind.0.0

Later lovelies!


P.S.  I wanted to tell you guys that you are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are. Why be anyone else besides you? You are the original!😄 Being like everyone else is boring. You are wonderful and talented. So love yourself, ya gorgeous💙

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