Oneshot - Birthday

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Hey guys! This is a oneshot requested by WolfGamerGirl264 .

After working countless days in the lab, Donnie and the others decide to help celebrate your birthday.

P.S. Striker doesn't exist in this scenario 😄


Donnie stepped back and admired his handiwork. He had spent the last several hours baking and decorating a cake for you, making sure that each little detail was perfect. He had noticed some...changes in you ever since you were rescued from Shredder's lab. Your eyes would quickly dart around the room whenever there was a small noise. You would constantly have nightmares, causing you to scream and cry in your sleep.

"DUDE! That looks awesome!" Mikey strolled into the kitchen, his eyes going straight to the elaborate cake. "It'll need a taste test though-"

"No!" Donnie swatted his hand away, "This cake is for (y/n), remember?! It has to be perfect for her, which means that you are NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH IT!"

Mikey nodded, imitating a serious face, "Mhm, mhm. Totally got ya, bro."

"What's this?" Leo walked into the kitchen.

"It's Donnie's birthday surprise for (y/n)," Raph answered from behind.

"Aww, it's so cute how Donnie can't even talk to her without blushing, yet he'll go and bake an entire cake for her," Mikey squealed as he pinched Donnie's cheek.

"STOP IT." Donnie warned as he stepped away, "Now, I'm going to be gone with (y/n) for a few hours, so please, for the love of all that is pure and good in the world, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING. Casey, and April, will handle everything else."

Raph rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Psh, please. We're perfect angels. It'll be fine."

Donatello sighed as he walked out the door, "Right. Just please, stay out of trouble."

~A few hours later~

"Donnie, where are we going?" You giggled softly as you blindly followed him. Your glasses had been tucked away in your pocket and were replaced by a purple bandana. For some odd reason, the turtle had decided to blind fold you after a very intense training session. There were even a few times that he had lifted you up and carried you a great distance. You deducted that it must be far up and on the outer rims of the city. Many of the mutants had gravitated towards the center of New York, so bringing you out to the outskirts only made since.

"Are we almost there yet?"


You cautiously followed him, not wanting to step on any unseen objects. From far away, you heard the faint sounds of waves splashing upon the shore.


You were once again picked up and sat on something hard. Maybe a bench?

Donnie smiled to himself as he climbed into the boat and sat alongside you. He picked up two oars and began to row out to his destination. A motorboat would have been preferable, but it would've given the surprise away.

You felt the ground wobble beneath you and tensed. "Donnie.."

"It's fine," he chuckled, "Trust me."

He continued to row out to a small island. Once he reached the shore, he helped you out of the boat.

You held tightly onto his hand, unsure of where you were.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let you fall."

You nodded and he proceeded to lead you inside a building.

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