Monster girl #6: Arachne

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Primary Habitat: Girdle Forest (some live in the mountains of the Heartland)

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Primary Habitat: Girdle Forest (some live in the mountains of the Heartland)

Diet: Carnivorous (prefer bodily fluids)

Behavior: Reclusive,shy

Background: A combination of human and spider made with the intention of snaring unlucky humans. They primarily live in deep caverns, crevices, and gigantic trees,such as the Yggdrapine trees and blood-bark trees. They're very shy and Reclusive,due to their common insecurity, regarding their predatory ancestors, and the fact that a majority of the humans they require for reproduction are arachnophobic. They build gigantic webs of various shapes and sizes, usually depending on the species of spider they're related to. Some won't even construct webs,such as the case of tarantula and fishing spider Arachne. When they aren't isolating themselves In the heart of their webs,they spend most of their time hunting for prey,using various techniques with their webbing. Venomous Arachne will often coat wooden stakes and arrows with their venom to deliver a toxic death to their prey and enemies. Their webbing is shown to be very resilient and elastic,making it an ideal material for crafting bows and some forms of armor. In fact,most Arachne get their husbands by using abandoned webs to lure in people who would try to salvage it to sell. They're also known to produce webbing with various consistencies,such as razor wire,guitar strings, and even a sticky version they can use for catching prey. When they find a man that suits their fancy,they will ensnare the man with their webs and try their best to make the man feel welcome. If the man rejects them,the Arachne will violate him for his semen with the hopes of getting impregnated before letting the man go. If the man returns their affection,he will become their husband and they will copulate for several days in celebration of their marriage. The Arachne will then abandon her home after laying her clutch of eggs and join her husband on his trip home with the eggs in tow. Upon hatching,the young Arachne will stay with their parents until becoming teenagers,which then they will let out a sail of webbing to glide off into the wild, though the weaker ones will tend to stay by their parents and possibly integrate into the local society.

Culture: Arachne lack much of a culture or society,due to their isolationist nature,but many of them are talented with using their webs to craft bows for hunting,along with making musical instruments. Because of this, Arachne that live in human settlements are often blacksmith assistants, musicians,or fashionistas. Arachne will celebrate holidays and other occasions by getting drunk off of the juice of Coaca (Co-Ack-Ah) fruit which contain copious amounts of caffeine.

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