Wildlife #1

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Blade Wolves

Habitat: Girdle Forest, Primordial Marshland, Heartland

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Habitat: Girdle Forest, Primordial Marshland, Heartland

Background: One of the most feared and reversed creatures,Blade Wolves are highly intelligent and ruthless predators that stalk the forest and swamps, and can make even the fiercest dinosaurs turn back. Despite their infamy,Blade Wolves are surprisingly peaceful,as they focus on maintaining ecological balance, and will even adopt young prey animals and raise them to adulthood. While they are a rare sight, it's not uncommon for a great hero to be accompanied by one as his/her trusty canine companion.

Honey Webber

Habitat: Girdle Forest

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Habitat: Girdle Forest

Background: Large Herbivorous spiders that are fairly common. Unlike their predatory counterparts,they prefer to eat flowers of various types, and are immune to plant poison. They have an internal system that allows them to produce honey that is 10 times more potent than bee honey, and will bundle it in webbing for their offspring to eat. Honey Webbers are known to be very hospitable, and will leave bundles of honey to any animal or person that needs it. To defend themselves,their fangs have a sprayer system that releases the poisons they built up,which can contain pure cyanide or ricin.

Rose-snout and Clatcher

Primary Habitat: Primordial Marshland, Heartland

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Primary Habitat: Primordial Marshland, Heartland

Background: Large predatory bats. Rose-snouts use their flower-like face patterns to fool insects. The largest of the species will even emit pheromones that will entice a papillon or other insect monsters into range. Clatchers are very agile, nocturnal predators, and are the bane of farmers, Jackelopes and other rabbit monsters alike. They use a high pitched sonic screech to stun their prey, allowing them to go for the kill


Habitat: Primordial Marshland

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Habitat: Primordial Marshland

Background: Amongst the fiercest dinosaurs in the primordial Marshland,they use their jagged horns for both gauging their prey with deadly headbutts, and leaving gashes on trees to mark their territory. Raptor monsters see killing one of them as being a Herculean task,however,the initiation ritual for matriarchs involves killing a juvenile Blood-Crown.

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