14|Shit is about to get REAL

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After a month of looking for them they finally get them and they- Anathi,Karabo, Ouseman, Keneoue, Kayson and Kayden go to the warehouse of the Moloi family where they manufacture drugs and illegal guns

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After a month of looking for them they finally get them and they- Anathi,Karabo, Ouseman, Keneoue, Kayson and Kayden go to the warehouse of the Moloi family where they manufacture drugs and illegal guns. They clean dirty money and also organise diamond that is going to be sold.

She walks to behind them as she looks around and nods her head."Happy with what you see."Kayden asks and she nods her head.

"Here we are boss."A guard says and she looks at the people in front of her.

She grunts as she sees Buhle Mahlangu and shakes her head. She kneels down as she talks with her inner spirit.

"Such heavy evil for a pure hearted person Buhle."She says and and Buhle chuckles.

"She's far from pure hearted,she's like a none for good mother."Buhle says and she shakes her head.

She looks at Kayden."Why do you hate your sister so much?"

"She dated my forever crush. I wanted that man with everything in me but she chose him."Buhle says and Keneoue shakes her head.

"Because of someone who didn't want you. Mr Mahlangu is a good husband to you,moes."Keneoue says and she looks at her.

"You are a child so you won't understand."

"You wanted to kill your sister because she is the chosen one for Amath so you killed her in thought you'll take her place?"

"Yes."Buhle says and Keneoue's powers overtake her as she scratches her on the face, causing the brothers expect for Ouseman to look at her in shock.

"Nx nx nx. Why do you come for the Moloi family using Siphokazi?"

"Because it would be easy to get her and also you."Buhle says and Keneoue grunts and she holds her head.

"Talk to them,I need a time out. Karabo please come help me."She asks and Karabo nods his head.

Kayden looks at her and sighs as he so badly to end their lives but chooses to take deep breaths so the werewolf doesn't attack.

"Why come for my family?"

"She was going to bring my household and businesses good life."

"I love how you are cooperating. Why treat her so badly?If you didn't want Khayelihle why not send her to Senegal so she can be with her father."

"Because we couldn't find him."

"Or maybe you didn't tell him that she is alive and the mother passed away."A voice says and Amath comes to them.

He greets his nephew and the other guys also with Thabo next to them and looks around.

"Where is Keneoue?"He asks worried about his sister and Kayden looks at him.

"In that room. You can go."He says and Thabo thanks him. It is not easy for them to see eye to eye since both they don't get along because of Thabo liking Kayden's sister,Stacey.

"You are going to hell Buhle and for a long time. And you?"Amath says and points to Ishmael.

"Fuck you."Ishmael says and Amath back slaps him as he falls on the floor.

"You think you would make money off my daughter?You think you were going to be able to get away with everything you have done to her,Buhle."He looks at her and holds her chin tight."Look how pathetic you look."

"Please don't kill me."Buhle cries and wipes the blood off her face from the scars on her face.

"Why? Sibusiso was there to love and support you and become everything you want in a man."Amath says and he looks at her.

"He is not you."Buhle says and Amath says and wipes her blood off his hands."Please Amath."

"Your sister was my everything,you should not have put hands on my daughter or mistreated her that way. It seems she was just an item for you to use. No wonder your daughter, Lillian doesn't want you or see you as a mother."

"Don't talk about my daughters- you abandoned your own daughter."

"Kill her,she talks so much kak."Amath says and looks at her.

There is noise outside which erupts when the guards enter with Siphokazi."Do you know who the fuck I am?Aw,brothers?"She says and Kayden and Kayson bow their heads.

They didn't think one of their own will be so intrigued with betraying the family.

"Siphokazi?"Anathi says and she looks down as she is tied on the chair.

"Untie me,Anathi."

"Why work with them?You knew the plan all along and you chose to work with them."He says and she fiddles with the ropes as she cries in pain because of how tight the ropes are.


"Don't you dare. Don't you dare!"Kayden shouts as he quickly walks to her and holds her chin."After you ran away from the spa,Mampho lost her babies and Thandolwethu couldn't see for almost a week along with Khayelihle losing her hearing on her other ear. You are a bitch for betraying your family, Siphokazi."

"You went to the extend to try and blind Anathi with dark magic and also the family not seeing but as always, Keneoue must protect the family. You are pathetic as well."Kayden says and she starts crying.

"It is not my fault that I loved Keneoue."

Kayden laughs and then smirks."Are we done talking to them?"

"Yes."Kayson says and sees Anathi is emotionless. Kayden starts pacing around the room and Ouseman decides to go check on Keneoue.

He knocks on the door and Keneoue and him make eye contact."They want you guys."Ouseman says and sees that Keneoue has her fingers in bandage.

She nods her head as she gets off the bed and they all walk to the room."Aw, Siphokazi,sawubona."She says amused.

"Fuck you."Siphokazi says and she spite on her.

Keneoue laughs and walks to take an axe. Insane Keneoue was activated and she runs to Siphokazi as she aims for the head."Rest in peace motherfucker."She throws the axe across the room."Who is next?"She asks and looks at Kayden.

"Baba Moloi."She asks , causing Kayden to look at her and then he looks at his brother.

"Burn them."Kayson says but immediately his mind changes."Get out."He tells the others and Keneoue knows trouble is about to come.

"Let's go."Keneoue holds Amath and Thabo as she pulls them out and turns around as she sees Anathi also behind them.

Ouseman,Kayden and Kayson changes into their spiritual animals. The place is turned upside as Thabo turns his head and vomits while Amath stands there is shock while Keneoue is enjoying the show.

Wo wouldn't enjoy seeing three werewolves fight to protect their family. At first Keneoue was scared about it but after her initiation she learned to just not fear them.

"This is great guys,you are missing out."She says and Amath looks at her as through she is insane and she laughs.

"You insa-" He is cut off as Ishmael's body files out of the window and she bends down and  shakes her head."I'm going home."

"Right behind you big man."Thabo says and she laughs as she sees the mess the room is in.

She sighs heavily as a wave of happiness brushes past her and all the main problems are done and sorted out.

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