24|Will yo-🤭?

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She opens the door for Khayelihle who stands their frustrated with Kayden because he promised to come fetch them from the airport after he sent them to the trip in Hawaii.

Khayelihle enjoyed it and Keneoue also enjoyed it and they also had a few sessions of their own.

Keneoue and her really missed Kayden and she is also disappointed when she heard that he had a meeting.

"Keneoue,look."Khayelihle says and Keneoue closes the door walks to next to Khayelihle.

She turns around and sees a huge poster above the fireplace and the poster had their images they took together and individually.

She covers her mouth and the music starts playing.

"So what is my answer?"They turn around and see Kayden holding two red velvet boxes opened and the rings looked really beautiful."Will you marry?"

"I will."Khayelihle says and Kayden looks Keneoue and she smiles.

"I will duh."She says and rolls her eyes with a smile evict on her face. He gets up and puts each of them their rings which is customised made with their first and second names.

Keneoue looks at them and smiles."This is beautiful daddy."Keneoue says and hugs Kayden.

"You love it?"

"I am so obsessed with it."She says and she holds his chin as she kisses his lips before deepening the kiss. She sucks on his tongue which causes his dick to hardened and he rubs her ass before squeezing it. She pecks his lips."I love you."She whispers and he smiles.

"I love you too. Miss Mahlangu."Kayden calls Khayelihle who looks at the ring and smiling to herself."How are you feeling?"

"I am okay now so this explains why you did not fetch us."She says and and Kayden laughs.

"Half of it. I also had meetings and work to attend to but now I am all yours. Come here."He says and she walks to him.

She hugs him around his waist and looks up at him. He looks down at her and kisses her lips. She deepens the kiss and puckers her lips and Keneoue smirks.

"Mhm."Kayden says and Khayelihle pecks his lips before backing away from the kiss."Since when do you kiss like that?"Kayden asks as he bites his lip and she looks at Keneoue.

"I was taught well."Khayelihle says and he looks at Keneoue."You had fun in Hawaii?"

"A lot of it. You missed out."Keneoue says and Khayelihle smirks.

Kayden chuckles as he shakes his head."That is good to hear. Come on,let us go to eat."Kayden says as he holds their hands and lends them to the dining room.

"Okay Mr Moloi."Keneoue says as she sees a gourmet of food and also drinks.

"MaZwane helped me and also I got a few help on this set up."He says as she also sees red roses around the table.

"This is beautiful,my stomach is already chewing."Khayelihle says and Keneoue laughs.

"Let me help you guys."Kayden says and he opens the chairs for them before he also sits down.

She pours some food for Khayelihle before also serving herself and Kayden while Kayden poured some juice for Khayelihle and wine for himself and Keneoue.

"No thanks. I think I will also have juice."Keneoue says and Kayden smiles.

"You think you maybe prego too?"Kayden asks and she nods her head.

"Ai madoda."He says in his deep Zulu accent and causing Keneoue and Khayelihle to laugh."Two in one special."He says and the ladies bust out laughing.

"Where is my son and daughter,Kayden?"Khayelihle asks and Keneoue smiles as she chews her food.

"Funny last time it was me who asked that."She says and Kayden smiles.

"They are asleep upstairs. I fetched them before I came here and set up. They were asleep when I got them and since then."

"Can I please go see them?"Khayelihle asks and Kayden nods her head. They all get up and walk  upstairs to the children's bedroom.

"Mama."Jayden starts crying as he tries to get off the bed and Keneoue holds him.

She kisses all over his face and he starts breathing slowly."Hello baby boy."

"Mama. Miss you."He says and she smiles.

Keneoue looks up and sees Tamryn looking around the room. She goes and looks at her while Khayelihle and Kayden look at her as she plays with the children and smiles.

She kisses Tamryn and Jayden and takes them to Khayelihle."Say hi mama Lihle."She whispers and the children go and hug Khayelihle's legs.

Tamryn lifts her arms indicating she wants to be carried by Khayelihle and Khayelihle carries her.

"She is not heavy right?"Kayden asks and Khayelihle smirks.

"I am not even that pregnant but no,she is not that heavy for me now."Khayelihle says and Kayden nods his head.

Keneoue stands there and looks at the four most important people of her life now. She is happy where she is and she is ready for the new chapter of her life.

Last chapter next....

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