First day

20 1 103

(Some lore since I know you're unhealthily obsessed with them)

(The twins are thirteen here btw for some context)


"Everything's been sorted. You should head off to the orientation, Xacilia doesn't like when students are late." Ludar took Gaven's bag from his hands, being careful with it.

Gaven stared up at his older brother. Ludar was a second year and was helping them adjust to their new life here, and after this he probably won't be able to see them as much aside from meals in the dining hall. He took Gia's bag off her shoulders and patted her head. She smiled sheepishly and turned her gaze to her twin. "Are you ready?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

"No." Gaven breathed deeply while he surveyed the campus. It was everything he expected it to be, and he hated it already. If there was anything he hated more than the city, it was the academy, and he'd rather go back to spending his nights outside in the barn than be anywhere near this place.

"Well, you don't really have a choice." Ludar reminded him gently with an annoying teasing smile.

"Kill me now," Gaven muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sure Mother would be glad to if you dragged your sorry ass back to the village right now." Ludar laughed, clapping his hand on his brother's back. For her twin's sake, Gia didn't show any signs of amusement.

Gaven shot him a glare, but that only made his older brother's smile wider.

"Come on." Gia tugged at his arm. "Let's go before we're late."

Ludar squeezed the two in his arms for one last hug before saying goodbye and heading towards the second year dormitories.

With one last longing look to the path out of the gates, Gaven followed his sister inside the main building, dreading whatever would be next.


The pair walked down the main hallway with its high ceiling and bright white walls, draped with luscious long grape purple and gold banners. There were very few large windows, mostly the fluorescent lights illuminating the space. Students were milling about, some carrying books and papers, others talking and laughing. Some were altered, but they all wore the academy uniform, bearing it's flag of a wild griffin. Gaven felt like an imposter compared to them. He clearly wasn't cut out for this life, but his sister on the other hand was loving it.

"This place is so big," Gia whispered, staring up at the ceiling.

Gaven didn't bother responding, only looked down at his feet as his sister lead the way. She was nervous, he could tell by her grip on his hand, but she was excited, too. Gia was an explorer, she always wanted to go places and see things, and now here she was. It was always her dream to go to the academy, and it had come true. She looked and fit the part better than he ever could, and as much as he didn't want to be here, he could tell she needed him. He would make the best of the situation for her sake and his own sanity.

"Look," She pointed to a large sign plastered on the wall. "They have a dance club. Maybe you would enjoy that." She smiled at him, tugging at his sleeve.

Gaven frowned and kept walking. "Why would I care about a stupid dance club?"

"To make friends." she offered. "Maybe you'll have fun."

Gaven pulled his arm away. "We're not here to have fun."

Gia didn't say anything else, her gaze lowered to the ground. Gaven ignored the guilt gnawing at his stomach and continued to follow her through the halls. He was right, but it came out more sour than he intended it to.

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