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Chapter 22: Shopping day!

Thor and Madilyn sat together on their floor in Avengers Tower, the quiet hum of the evening settling around them. They had spent the day processing the news of Madilyn's pregnancy, and now they found themselves reflecting on the future that lay ahead.

Thor gently placed his hand on Madilyn's stomach, his expression a mix of awe and tenderness. "Can you believe it, Madilyn?"

Madilyn leaned into his touch, a soft smile playing on her lips. "It still feels surreal," she admitted, her eyes bright with excitement. "But I'm starting to get used to the idea. I can't wait to meet our baby."

Thor's eyes sparkled with affection as he looked at her. "You're going to be an amazing mother," he said sincerely, his voice tinged with pride.

Madilyn blushed, feeling a surge of warmth at his words. "And you're going to be an amazing father," she replied softly. "I'm so glad we're in this together, Thor."

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the weight of their shared journey settling between them. The prospect of parenthood brought with it a mix of emotions-joy, anticipation, and a hint of nervousness-but above all, they felt an overwhelming sense of love and unity.

"I want to do everything I can to protect you and our child," Thor said earnestly, his gaze never leaving Madilyn's.

She reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers. "And I promise to be here for you, Thor. We're a team, remember?"

Thor nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Always," he said, his voice filled with certainty.

As they continued to talk late into the night, their conversation centered around their hopes and dreams for their growing family. They discussed names, nursery ideas, and the kind of parents they wanted to be. Each moment brought them closer together, strengthening their bond and deepening their love.

Madilyn couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude as she looked at Thor, her heart overflowing with love for the man who had stood by her through every challenge. She knew that their journey ahead would have its obstacles, but with Thor by her side, she felt ready to face anything that came their way.

As they eventually retired to bed, Madilyn's thoughts drifted to the future, to the life growing inside her, and to the adventures that awaited their growing family. She knew that their path would be filled with surprises and challenges, but she also knew that they would face them together, hand in hand.

The night passed peacefully, filled with dreams of a bright and hopeful future.

Madilyn awoke the next morning feeling queasy, her stomach churning with morning sickness. She gingerly got out of bed, trying to steady herself against the wave of nausea that threatened to overwhelm her. Pregnancy had brought its challenges, but she was determined to face them with strength.

Downstairs in the communal kitchen, the rest of the Avengers were already gathered for breakfast. Steve greeted her with a warm smile as she entered, concern evident in his eyes.

"Morning, Madilyn," he said gently. "How are you feeling today?"

Madilyn managed a weak smile. "A bit queasy, but I'll manage."

Natasha, who was busy preparing breakfast, glanced over at her. "You should eat something light," she suggested. "It might help settle your stomach."

Madilyn nodded gratefully, taking a seat at the table. She picked at her food, nibbling on toast and sipping ginger tea. The Avengers chatted around her, their camaraderie a comforting backdrop to her discomfort.

After breakfast, Steve and Natasha approached her with an offer that surprised her.

"Madilyn, how about we go baby shopping today?" Steve suggested, his blue eyes warm with kindness.

Natasha nodded in agreement. "It'll be fun, and it'll give us a chance to get everything you need for the baby."

Madilyn blinked, touched by their thoughtfulness. "Are you sure? I don't want to impose."

Steve chuckled softly. "Nonsense. Consider it a team outing. We all want to support you and Thor."

Madilyn felt a lump form in her throat at their generosity. "Thank you," she murmured, feeling a rush of gratitude.

They spent the morning preparing to go out, gathering lists of essentials and discussing which stores to visit. Madilyn couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the support of her newfound family. Despite the recent tensions and challenges, they were rallying around her with unwavering support.

As they stepped out into the bustling city streets, Madilyn felt a sense of excitement building within her. Steve and Natasha led the way, guiding her through baby stores and boutiques, offering advice and recommendations. They browsed cribs, strollers, and baby clothes, discussing each item with enthusiasm.

"You'll want something sturdy but comfortable," Natasha advised, examining a sleek-looking stroller. "And definitely one that's easy to fold."

Steve nodded in agreement. "And don't forget to look for a crib with adjustable heights. It'll be useful as the baby grows."

Madilyn listened attentively, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The reality of becoming a parent was sinking in, and she couldn't help but wonder how she and Thor would navigate this new chapter of their lives.

After a productive morning of shopping, they stopped for lunch at a cozy cafe. Over sandwiches and salads, they continued to discuss baby names, nursery decor, and parenting tips. Madilyn found herself laughing and bonding with Steve and Natasha, their friendship blossoming in unexpected ways.

By the time they returned to the tower in the afternoon, Madilyn felt exhausted but content. She thanked Steve and Natasha profusely for their help and company, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for their kindness.

She walked up to her room.

"Hi baby.How was today?"
Thor said.Wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Good.Steve and Nat took me baby shopping."

He kissed her passionately and they both lay in bed.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"
Thor asked.

"I hope it's a little boy.It would look just like his dad."

"Well if it is a girl she will be beautiful like her mother."

Madilyn playfully hit Thor and they both fell asleep ready to start the new day.


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