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Chapter 26: The Arrival

The sterile, antiseptic smell of the hospital filled Madilyn’s senses as she was wheeled into the delivery room. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. This was it—the moment she had been waiting for. Thor was right beside her, his hand firmly gripping hers, offering comfort and strength.

“Are you alright, love?” Thor’s voice was soft, filled with concern.

Madilyn managed a smile, despite the contractions that were becoming more intense. “I’m okay. Just… nervous.”

Thor leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You’re the bravest person I know, Madilyn. You can do this.”

The nurses and doctors moved efficiently around them, preparing for the birth. The room was a flurry of activity, but Madilyn focused on Thor’s calming presence, grounding herself in his strength.

Minutes felt like hours as the contractions intensified. Madilyn squeezed Thor’s hand, her breath coming in short gasps. He murmured words of encouragement, his eyes never leaving hers.

“You’re doing great, Madilyn,” the doctor said reassuringly. “It won’t be much longer now.”

Madilyn nodded, her mind a haze of pain and anticipation. She could feel the pressure building, the need to push overwhelming. The medical staff guided her through each contraction, their voices steady and calm.

“Okay, Madilyn, it’s time to push,” the doctor instructed.

With a deep breath, Madilyn bore down, using all her strength. Thor’s hand was a lifeline, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of pain and effort. She pushed with everything she had, tears streaming down her face from the exertion.

“That’s it, Madilyn, keep going,” the doctor encouraged. “You’re doing amazing.”

Time seemed to blur as she continued to push, her body trembling with the effort. The pain was excruciating, but she held on, driven by the thought of finally meeting her daughter.

Suddenly, there was a shift, a release of pressure, and the sound of a baby’s cry filled the room. Madilyn gasped, her heart swelling with joy and relief.

“Congratulations,” the doctor announced, holding up a tiny, squirming bundle. “You have a beautiful baby girl.”

Tears of happiness streamed down Madilyn’s face as the nurse placed the baby on her chest. She looked down at her daughter, her heart bursting with love. The baby’s tiny fingers wrapped around her own, and Madilyn was overwhelmed by the profound connection she felt.

Thor leaned in, his eyes misty with emotion. “She’s perfect,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

Madilyn nodded, unable to tear her gaze away from her daughter. “She really is.”

The nurse took the baby for a moment to clean and weigh her, and Thor took the opportunity to kiss Madilyn’s forehead again. “You were incredible, Madilyn. I’m so proud of you.”

Madilyn smiled through her tears. “We did it, Thor. We’re parents.”

The nurse returned with their daughter, swaddled in a soft blanket. She handed the baby to Thor, who took her with gentle hands, his expression one of pure wonder.

“Hello, little one,” Thor murmured, his voice choked with emotion. “I’m your father.”

Madilyn watched them, her heart overflowing with love for her family. She reached out and touched Thor’s arm. “We need to name her.”

Thor nodded, his eyes never leaving the baby’s face. “I think she looks like a Millie.”

Madilyn smiled. “Millie. It’s perfect.”

They spent the next few hours in a bubble of bliss, holding their daughter and marveling at her tiny features. The medical staff checked on them periodically, ensuring both mother and baby were healthy and comfortable.

As the night wore on, the excitement of the day began to catch up with Madilyn. She felt exhausted but incredibly content. Millie slept peacefully in her arms, her tiny breaths a soothing rhythm.

Thor sat beside her, his arm around her shoulders. “Get some rest, love. You’ve earned it.”

Madilyn nodded, leaning into him. “I love you, Thor.”

“I love you too, Madilyn. More than anything.”

With that, she closed her eyes, feeling Thor’s warmth and the gentle weight of Millie in her arms. She drifted off to sleep, her dreams filled with visions of the future—of love, laughter, and the family they would build together.


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