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Chapter 38: Under the Influence

It was a rare evening at Stark Tower when Loki Madilyn decided to unwind with a few drinks after Thor was watching Millie. Laughter echoed through the common area as the two gathered around, sharing stories and relaxing in each other's company.

Madilyn found herself seated very close to Loki, their conversation becoming increasingly animated with each passing minute. What started as casual banter soon turned into deeper discussions about life, loss, and the complexities of their respective worlds.

As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, Madilyn felt a warmth spreading through her veins, emboldening her to share more personal thoughts and feelings with Loki. She found herself drawn to his enigmatic charm and sharp wit, a stark contrast to the stoic demeanor she had initially perceived.The two were very drunk.

Loki, too, seemed more open than usual, his guard lowered by the effects of alcohol. He listened intently to Madilyn's stories, his eyes flickering with genuine interest and a hint of admiration for her resilience and strength.

In a moment of vulnerability, their gazes locked, lingering a fraction longer than usual. The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, a silent understanding passing between them.

Without warning, Loki reached out, his hand brushing against Madilyn's cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle. She didn't pull away, her heart racing with a mix of confusion and desire.And a lot of alcohol..

"I've never met anyone like you," Loki murmured, his voice low and gasping for air as the kiss became more sloppy and passionate.

Madilyn's breath caught in her throat as she searched his eyes, seeing a depth of emotion she hadn't anticipated. In that fleeting moment, logic and reason blurred, drowned out by the undeniable pull of attraction and the intoxicating allure of the night.

In a bold move, Loki leaned closer, his lips brushing against Madilyn's in a tentative kiss. Fireworks exploded in her mind as she responded, her hand finding its way to the back of his neck, deepening the kiss with a hunger she hadn't known she possessed.

Madilyn removed Loki's shirt and he did the same to her.He observed her,barley taking anything in as alcohol had consumed his vision and mind.Before they knew it the both of them were naked and in bed.Madilyn was on top of Loki as their hot bodies melted in to one another.Madilyn let out moans as Loki thrusted.
The two if them having no clue what either was doing.
Loki was now on top of her and kissed her chest.He came back up and they both looked into eachother eyes,panting and moaning.Madilyn went down on Loki.He groaned and ran his hand through her brown hair.

They both lay down besides one another.And fell straight to sleep.Unaware of the damage the two drunk individuals just caused.
As the soft morning light filtered through the curtains of the dimly lit bedroom, Madilyn stirred awake, her head throbbing slightly from the remnants of the night before. Blinking groggily, she slowly became aware of her surroundings: the unfamiliar warmth of the bed sheets cocooning her, the faint scent of cologne lingering in the air. Then, as realization dawned, she turned her head to find Loki beside her, still asleep, his features softened by slumber. Memories of their shared intimacy flooded her mind, mingling with a rush of conflicting emotions—surprise, regret, and a lingering, inexplicable warmth. How had they ended up here, tangled together in this unexpected embrace?

Madilyn awoke to find Loki still sleeping beside her. Frustration and confusion surged within her as the events of the previous night flooded back. Without thinking, she reached out and lightly tapped his shoulder. "Wake up," she said sharply, her voice tinged with a mix of emotions she couldn't quite place. Loki stirred, his eyes fluttering open slowly.

Madilyn's breath caught in her throat as Loki's eyes met hers. In that moment, the weight of their actions from the night before crashed down on her like a tidal wave. Tears welled up in her eyes, betraying her attempts to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She turned away, unable to face him, her hands covering her face as silent sobs shook her body. Guilt and confusion mingled in her mind, questioning how they had allowed themselves to cross that line. Loki, sensing her distress, hesitated before reaching out a tentative hand, unsure of how to comfort her or what words to offer in this fragile moment.

She repeated.

Madilyn wiped her tears and took a deep breath, steeling herself to face Loki. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "I shouldn't have let things go that far."

Loki regarded her with a mixture of understanding and concern. "It's not entirely your fault," he replied gently. "We both made choices last night."

She nodded slowly, grateful for his empathy. "What do we do now?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Loki hesitated, considering their options. "Should we tell Thor?" he finally asked. "Or keep this between us?"

Madilyn's heart raced at the thought of keeping it secret, but she knew the potential consequences if Thor were to find out. After a moment's silence, she nodded reluctantly. "We keep it between us," she agreed, her gaze dropping to her hands in her lap.

Loki nodded in acknowledgment, his expression serious. "Agreed," he said firmly. "But we should be cautious going forward."

Madilyn swallowed hard, feeling the weight of their decision settle between them. Despite the tension and uncertainty, a sense of relief washed over her that they had come to a mutual understanding.

Madilyn quietly rose from the edge of Loki's bed, her footsteps soft against the floorboards as she made her way to the door. She glanced back at him briefly, finding him deep in thought, before slipping out into the hallway. The cool air outside his room offered a moment of clarity as she leaned against the wall, taking slow, deep breaths to steady her nerves.

Her mind raced with conflicting emotions—regret for the night's events, relief at their agreement to keep it between them, and a lingering worry about how things might unfold in the days to come. She knew she needed time to process everything, to understand the boundaries they had crossed and what it meant for their relationships with Thor and each other.

With a heavy sigh, Madilyn began to walk down the hallway, her steps purposeful yet burdened with the weight of the secret she now carried. She couldn't shake the feeling that this moment would shape their future interactions, and she resolved to tread carefully in the days ahead.


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