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Chapter 29: Reunion with Bucky

It had been over a week since Thor and the rest of the team had departed on their mission, leaving Madilyn to care for Millie with Loki's unexpected help. Each passing day felt like a slow, deliberate countdown until their return. Madilyn had settled into a routine with Millie, finding comfort in the baby's growing presence and Loki's surprisingly nurturing support.

When the day finally arrived for the team's return, Madilyn felt a mix of relief and anticipation. She stood in the common area of the Avengers Tower, Millie cradled in her arms, as the quinjet touched down on the landing pad outside. The ramp lowered, and one by one, the Avengers disembarked.

Steve stepped forward first, a weary but satisfied smile on his face. "We're home," he announced, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion and triumph.

Behind him, Natasha and Clint followed, their expressions a mix of relief and readiness to unwind. Tony, ever the showman, made a grand gesture of stretching dramatically before striding into the tower, his trademark smirk firmly in place.

Then, Thor emerged from the quinjet, a weight visibly lifted from his shoulders. Madilyn's heart skipped a beat as she watched him approach, her eyes searching his face for any sign of weariness or distress. But Thor's expression was one of pure joy as he reached her side, enveloping her and Millie in a tight embrace.

"We missed you," Thor murmured, pressing a kiss to Madilyn's forehead before gently touching Millie's cheek. "And you, little one."

Madilyn smiled up at him, her heart swelling with love and relief. "We missed you too," she replied softly.

As the team reunited and caught up on the details of their mission, Madilyn noticed someone lingering in the background, hesitant and unsure. It was Bucky Barnes, Steve's old war friend, whom she had only heard stories about. He stood apart from the group, his posture guarded and his eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Steve noticed Bucky's hesitation and approached him, clapping a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "Bucky, come meet Madilyn and Millie," Steve said warmly.

Bucky nodded, taking a hesitant step forward. His gaze softened as he looked at Millie, who was gazing back at him with wide, curious eyes. "Hello," he greeted softly, a tentative smile crossing his face.

Madilyn smiled warmly at him, extending a hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, Bucky."

Bucky shook her hand gently, his demeanor still guarded but polite. "Likewise," he replied, his voice low and reserved.

Steve explained the situation briefly to Bucky, mentioning that Madilyn had been looking after Millie in their absence and would be watching over him as well, at least for the time being. Bucky nodded, seeming to understand, though his expression remained inscrutable.

Over the next few days, Bucky adjusted to life at the Avengers Tower, his interactions with Madilyn and Millie becoming more relaxed and natural. Madilyn found herself growing fond of Bucky's quiet presence, appreciating the calm and steady support he offered, much like Loki in his own way.

One evening, as Madilyn sat with Millie in the living room, Bucky joined them, quietly taking a seat across from her. He watched Millie with a mixture of curiosity and something deeper, a flicker of emotion that Madilyn couldn't quite place.

"She's got your eyes," Bucky remarked suddenly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Madilyn glanced up, surprised by the comment. "Really?"

Bucky nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah. And Thor's spirit."

Madilyn smiled, touched by his observation. "Thank you, Bucky."

Bucky nodded again, his gaze returning to Millie. "She's lucky to have you both."

As the days turned into weeks, Madilyn found herself growing closer to both Thor and Bucky, each of them bringing a unique presence and perspective into her life. She marveled at the bond forming between Millie and her newfound guardians, knowing deep down that despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, they were stronger together.

And as she looked at Millie, peacefully sleeping in her arms, Madilyn felt a sense of gratitude for the family she had found among the Avengers—a family forged not just by duty and circumstance, but by love and mutual support.



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