The Unexpected Dive

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I stumbled out of the old house, my mind reeling with the events that had just transpired. The reflection in the mirror still lingered in my mind, its words echoing in my head.

"You don't understand... You don't understand what's happening."

I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was missing something crucial, something that would explain the strange occurrences and the mysterious woman.

As I walked back to the lake, I felt a growing sense of desperation. I had to find the answers, no matter what it took.

I started searching the surrounding area, scouring every inch of land and water for any clue that might lead me closer to the truth. I searched for hours, my eyes scanning the ground and my ears tuned to any sound that might be out of place.

As the sun began to set, I spotted something glinting in the distance. I rushed towards it, my heart racing with excitement.

It was a small, intricately carved stone. It looked similar to the one I had found earlier, but this one had a small inscription etched onto its surface.

I examined it carefully, trying to decipher the message. It was in an ancient language, but after some study, I finally managed to make out a few words.

"Follow... the... water..."

I felt a surge of hope. This must be a clue! But which way should I go? The lake was vast and deep, and I didn't know which direction to follow.

As I stood there, trying to decide what to do next, I heard a faint whisper in my ear.

"Follow your heart."

I closed my eyes, focusing on my intuition. The whisper seemed to come from within me, guiding me towards the lake's edge. I took a deep breath and followed the gentle nudge, my feet carrying me towards the water's surface.

As I reached the lake's edge, I opened my eyes to find myself standing on a small boat, floating on the calm waters. The stone was still clutched in my hand, and I felt an eerie sense of purpose.

The boat glided effortlessly across the lake, carrying me towards a distant point. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the landscape. I felt a sense of wonder and trepidation as I gazed out at the water.

As we approached the river that flowed into the lake, I noticed something strange. The water seemed to be... staining. Dark, rusty hues seeped into the surface, like someone had poured crimson paint into the river.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I disembarked from the boat and stepped onto the riverbank. The air was heavy with an otherworldly scent, like copper and decay.

As I ventured deeper into the river's bend, I stumbled upon a clearing. And that's when I saw it – blood everywhere. Dry, cracked earth covered in a thick layer of crimson stains. It looked like a massacre had taken place here.

I felt my mind reeling, trying to comprehend what I was seeing. Who could have done this? And why?

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. Heavy, deliberate steps echoing through the silence.

I spun around, ready to face whatever horrors lay ahead.

I spun around, my heart racing with anticipation. But as I turned, I saw a small rabbit darting away from the clearing, its little legs moving quickly as it escaped into the underbrush.

I let out a sigh of relief, realizing it was just a rabbit and not some monster or ghoul. My nerves were still on edge, though, and I was grateful for the sudden distraction.

As I turned back to gaze at the riverbank, my foot caught on a root and I lost my balance. I felt myself falling, my arms flailing wildly as I tried to regain my footing. Time seemed to slow down as I plummeted towards the water.

The last thing I remembered was the sound of the river rushing up to meet me.

I came to, coughing and spluttering, as I broke the surface of the water. The river was cold and dark, and I felt disoriented and confused.

As I struggled to swim to the surface again, my eyes scanned the riverbed below. That's when I saw it – a human body, facedown in the mud.

My heart skipped a beat as I kicked harder, propelling myself towards the body. As I got closer, I saw that it was a man, his skin gray and pale. He was dressed in tattered clothing, and his eyes were sunken into his skull.

I grabbed onto his arm, trying to turn him over. As I did, his head lolled to one side, revealing a face that was eerily familiar.

It was the man from my dreams – the one who had been warning me about the mirror.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I stared at his lifeless eyes. What did he mean? What had happened here?

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